Step 1: The Community Health Assessment
The community health assessment opened July 10 and closed on Aug. 20. The first question asked participants to identify the location of their primary residence.
Rural households: All rural households who live outside of Missoula city limits could take the survey so we could gain more insight from this often underserved and under-represented population.
City households: To obtain the most representative sample of the experience of health from those living in the City of Missoula, the health department randomly selected households based on a variety of household incomes within the City to take the survey. You knew if you’d been selected if you received a postcard in the mail shortly after July 10 with a survey code that looked like this:
- Are a City of Missoula household who received a postcard but lost it
- Require special accommodations
- Do not have access to the internet
- Or are struggling to take the survey for any other reason
Contact Michael Garder, Accreditation and Workforce Development Coordinator, at or 406-258-3391 or come to the health department at 301 West Alder.

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