About Missoula County Voice
Welcome to Missoula County's community engagement platform, Missoula County Voice.
Local government works best when we hear from community members like you. This engagement platform is a space where, anytime and from anywhere, you can voice your thoughts, concerns and questions about projects and initiatives happening at Missoula County. Each project will provide different interactive opportunities, such as surveys, polls, forums to submit comments or questions, interactive maps where you can drop pins with your input, and more. You will also see which county staff are working on the project and considering your feedback. When you engage on this site, you can be assured your comments are heard and that they are helping shape projects and inform county staff and leaders in their decision-making. So don't be shy! Add your voice today!
Having trouble with this site? Contact technical support located at the bottom of the page. If you're still having issues or if you have feedback on the site, contact us!
Communications Manager Allison Franz
Communications Coordinator Carey Powers
Engagement Coordinator Brenna Davis