Condon Container Site
With the ample community feedback received, Missoula County and the community of Condon are tabling the idea of a container site for Condon. If the discussion reopens in the future, a new Missoula County Voice project page will be created.
With the ample community feedback received, Missoula County and the community of Condon are tabling the idea of a container site for Condon. If the discussion reopens in the future, a new Missoula County Voice project page will be created.
Missoula County and the community of Condon are evaluating a proposed container site on Barber Creek Road where Condon-area residents and commercial businesses could deposit trash and other solid waste. Property owners would pay an annual fee through a special district assessment on their property tax bill to dispose trash at the site.
Missoula County worked with community partners to complete a container site evaluation, and determined around 704 property owners could benefit from a site in the Condon area. Currently, the closest trash disposal sites are located more than 30 miles away in Seeley Lake and Lake County.
The cost to build the site is estimated at $612,000. The estimated annual operating budget would be $228,833, which would include the debt service for site construction and other capital costs. Property owners would pay $300 a year through an assessment on their property tax bill. The special district would include residential and commercial properties in School District #33, and it would operate similarly to the Seeley Lake Refuse District. Vacant land would not be assessed.
The staffed site would be open two days a week, which would likely include one weekday and one weekend day.