Scour critical

     A bridge that has erosion or deterioration at the abutment (where the bridge attaches to land) or pier.

    Load-restricted or load-posted (also known as "weight restricted")

    there is enough structural damage to the bridge that the bridge must have a limit as the number of tons it can safely hold.

    Sufficiency rating

    a way to rate a bridge’s structural adequacy, safety, serviceability and functionality. Rated on a 0 to 100 scale.

    RAISE grant

    a federal grant (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) which could provide around $25 million to help with bridge infrastructure improvements. This grant came directly out of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and is administered by the Department of Transportation.

    BIP grant

    the Bridge Improvement Program, a funding opportunity administered by the Federal Highway Administration. This is another grant that came out of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which passed in 2021.


    the vertical posts in a body of water that support a bridge.