Evaro-Finley-O'Keefe Community Council Dissolution

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Missoula County commissioners voted on June 6, 2024, to dissolve the Evaro-Finley-O'Keefe Community Council.

The Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe Community Council, originally established in 2009-10, has been unable to hold an official meeting with a quorum (where a majority of council members are present to pass a vote) since 2019 due to a lack of interest from the community in serving on the board and little to no attendance at meetings for several years. Missoula County’s recruitment efforts over these years have been unsuccessful, resulting in many vacant openings on the board as well as a lack of meetings and attendance.

The Missoula County commissioners may decide to dissolve community councils if they deem it appropriate and in the best interests of the residents of the council. If a quorum of the members of the council fail to hold a meeting for six months or more, the commissioners must consider a resolution dissolving the council at a public meeting. Members of the council are given prior notice of this meeting and will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed dissolution.

Since the council has not met since September 2019, Missoula County dissolved the Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe Community Council. Part of this council boundary may be absorbed into the West Valley Community Council area, and other residents in this area can still stay in touch with their Missoula County officials through regular communication channels available to all residents, such as at public meetings and via email, phone and Missoula County Voice.

Missoula County opened the hearing on this decision at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 23, and accepted comments on this proposal up until the commissioners voted to dissolve this council on Thursday, June 6.

Photo courtesy of Helene Michael.

The Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe Community Council, originally established in 2009-10, has been unable to hold an official meeting with a quorum (where a majority of council members are present to pass a vote) since 2019 due to a lack of interest from the community in serving on the board and little to no attendance at meetings for several years. Missoula County’s recruitment efforts over these years have been unsuccessful, resulting in many vacant openings on the board as well as a lack of meetings and attendance.

The Missoula County commissioners may decide to dissolve community councils if they deem it appropriate and in the best interests of the residents of the council. If a quorum of the members of the council fail to hold a meeting for six months or more, the commissioners must consider a resolution dissolving the council at a public meeting. Members of the council are given prior notice of this meeting and will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed dissolution.

Since the council has not met since September 2019, Missoula County dissolved the Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe Community Council. Part of this council boundary may be absorbed into the West Valley Community Council area, and other residents in this area can still stay in touch with their Missoula County officials through regular communication channels available to all residents, such as at public meetings and via email, phone and Missoula County Voice.

Missoula County opened the hearing on this decision at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 23, and accepted comments on this proposal up until the commissioners voted to dissolve this council on Thursday, June 6.

Photo courtesy of Helene Michael.

Let us know your thoughts about the dissolution of the Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe Community Council.

Missoula County opened the hearing on this decision at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 23, and will accept comments on this proposal up until the commissioners make a decision, likely on Thursday, June 6. Join the public meeting in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex at 200 W. Broadway, or online via Microsoft Teams. Find the agenda and meeting link at http://missoula.co/bccmeetings

Missoula County commissioners voted on June 6, 2024, to dissolve the Evaro-Finley-O'Keefe Community Council.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Dear County Commissioners,

I urge you to vote to keep the Evaro-Finley-O'Keefe Community Council and not dissolve it. My name is Kyle Hartse. I grew up in Evaro and am the son of Meggen Ryan, who was involved in the Council for quite some time and was serving on it until she unexpectedly passed away in September 2022. I understand the Council has struggled with lack of interest for members and community attendance of meetings. However, I believe in time community interest can and will be revived, and that the Evaro community is better served by having its own Council rather than being absorbed into another council area.

On a personal note, I am planning to move back to Evaro this summer and before this notice came out was already researching the possibility of applying for Council membership myself, once I reestablish residence in Evaro. Having worked for Missoula County from 2011-2015, I believe the County has a legitimate interest in maintaining the organizational structure of this Council. Please do not dissolve this Council.

Kyle Hartse 10 months ago