Tax impact of adopted budget
The tax impacts of the adopted budget will differ depending on where a resident lives within the county. For property within Missoula city limits, residents will pay $251 in total County taxes for every $100,000 in assessed property value, or about $21 a month. For properties outside Missoula city limits, residents will pay $314.96 in total County taxes for every $100,000 in assessed property value, or $26.25 a month. (Please note that those numbers reference the total taxes owed per $100,000, not the increase from last year.)
This difference is because property owners are taxed differently depending on where their property is located. All Missoula County property owners, including those who live within the limits of the City of Missoula, pay countywide taxes. In addition to the countywide taxes, property owners outside Missoula city limits pay county-only taxes (rather than city taxes).
It’s important to note that the state Department of Revenue issued reappraised property values this year, and home values in Missoula County increased by an average of 37%. This, coupled with the continued shift of the tax burden to residential properties, means individual homeowners will likely see a larger increase on their next tax bill due to the increased value of their property.
The Missoula County commissioners adopted the fiscal year 2024 budget on Sept. 7.