New printers
Let us know your thoughts about this request for new printers.
This request would fund either a new lease or purchase of printers for the Central Services print shop. The printers in the Central Services Print Shop are due to be replaced in 2024 as the current lease is nearly up, and they are nearing the end of their useful life. As printers age, the quality of printed materials (including elections, property tax bills and more) degrades. The cost to replace the printers outright through a one-time purchase would be $12,000 to $14,000 each. The cost to lease new machines (likely on a five-year lease) is estimated to be up to $500 per month total for two printers. Additional research is necessary to determine the best route to pursue; all the necessary information was not available ahead of the budget request deadline.
Department: Central Services
Cost: $6,000
Type: Ongoing
Funding source(s): Property taxes
Commissioners are scheduled to discuss this item at their administrative public meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 18, though this is subject to change. Join the meeting in Room 206 of the County Administration Building, 199 W. Pine Street. You can also join the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. Visit to find the agenda and link to join.

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