Scott Acres Minor Subdivision

The Board of County Commissioners approved this subdivision at their Thursday, July 21, 2022, public meeting.

Project Description:

Scott Acres is a proposed two-lot minor residential subdivision in Lolo, Montana. The proposed subdivision is located at 7000 Mormon Creek Road on portions of Lot 6 of the Van Ostrand Subdivision and consists of 1.95 acres. The subdivision will include two single-family residential dwellings, served by well water and septic systems. The property owners are Dane and Shannon Scott, represented by Kody Swartz, PE, with Woith Engineering. The proposed subdivision is accessed from Missoula, Lolo, and Florence by U.S. Highway 93, a major regional transportation corridor. Mormon Creek Road provides a local connection from U.S. Highway 93 to the subdivision property. Mormon Creek Road is a two-lane county road with no shoulders, curbs, or sidewalks, and a 22-foot asphalt surface width. A private driveway, within the former Opal Drive right-of-way, provides access to adjacent parcels to the north. The driveway has a gravel surface with a width of approximately 12.5 feet. This access driveway will remain adjacent to the proposed subdivision and is depicted on the preliminary plat, together with a new 16’ easement along the northern property boundary to formalize access to Parcel C and Parcel D of COS 704. The proposed subdivision does not contain any non-motorized facilities. Offsite non-motorized facilities include connections to the hiking trails in Travelers’ Rest State Park, approximately 1,000 feet to the east, and a connection to the Bitterroot Trail between Missoula and Hamilton, approximately 2,500 feet to the east. The subject parcel, along with all the adjacent parcels, is Unzoned. The applicable Growth Policy for the subject property is the 2002 Lolo Regional Plan, which recommends a land use of Residential with a density of one dwelling unit per acre. According to the 2002 Plan, one dwelling unit per acre is considered a base density for many areas outside of the Wastewater Sewer Study Area. This land use type is intended to reflect existing patterns and function as a transition to less dense areas. One-acre parcels often have irregular spacing between buildings and road frontages. The proposed subdivision will contain two single-family residences, with a gross density of 1.02 dwellings per acre. The proposed density is within that prescribed in the 2002 Lolo Regional Plan, to create a transition from the higher densities to the northeast and south, to the rural residential areas and open space to the west.

Project Link:

Applicant's Packet

Project Timeline:

The public meeting will take place at 2 p.m., Thursday, July 21, 2022, via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

Project Planner:

Project Planner Matt Heimel can be reached at or 406-258-3799

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