Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision

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Missoula County commissioners at their Aug. 4, 2022, public meeting approved the Riverside Industrial Subdivision.

Preliminary plat of Riverside Industrial Subdivision

Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision is a proposed 160-acre, 36-lot subdivision in Missoula County, located off the northwest corner of Deschamps Lane and Moccasin Lane in the Wye. The subdivision includes 24 industrial lots, 11 residential lots, and one working lands lot with an existing gravel crushing operation. The 2019 Missoula Area Land Use Element, an amendment to the Missoula County Growth Policy (2016) designates three distinct portions of the subject property as Industrial Center, Planned Neighborhood, and Working Lands 

The applicant for this development requests two variances from the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations: 

  1. A variance from Section requiring curb, gutter and boulevard construction for all on-site roads. 

  1. A variance from Table requiring five-foot-wide sidewalks on each side of Moccasin Lane and proposed Road E. 

The subdivision was unzoned as of application sufficiency on April 11, 2022, with surrounding land use being residential to the south, industrial to the east, and agricultural to the north and west. Zoning districts within the subdivision as of July 1, 2022, include Agricultural-Working Lands, Industrial Center, Light, and Neighborhood Residential. Development in the Wye area has increased, and this subdivision is proposed to add to light industrial growth along Deschamps Lane. A second aspect of this subdivision is providing residential lots with a framework for future residential development in the Planned Neighborhood Land use. A third aspect of the subdivision is to continue a gravel crushing operation on the northwest portion of the property. 

Development of the subdivision is proposed over two phases. Phase 1 would include the industrial and working lands lot, including all infrastructure to support the phase, with a proposed filing deadline of December 31, 2025. Phase 2 would include the 11 residential lots with a filing deadline of December 31, 2028. Except for the existing gravel crushing operation, the only other existing development on the property is a single-family house and accessory structures on the southwest corner.  

Multiple roads, sidewalks, and storm water infrastructure are planned for the subdivision. Community sewer and a public water supply are proposed for the industrial lots, and residential lots are proposed to be served by individual wells and septic systems. The subject property has historically been used for hay production. However, due to limited water availability, agricultural use has been limited in recent years. Onsite vegetation consists mostly of grasses.  

View the full Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision Governing Body Review Packet.

Preliminary plat of Riverside Industrial Subdivision

Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision is a proposed 160-acre, 36-lot subdivision in Missoula County, located off the northwest corner of Deschamps Lane and Moccasin Lane in the Wye. The subdivision includes 24 industrial lots, 11 residential lots, and one working lands lot with an existing gravel crushing operation. The 2019 Missoula Area Land Use Element, an amendment to the Missoula County Growth Policy (2016) designates three distinct portions of the subject property as Industrial Center, Planned Neighborhood, and Working Lands 

The applicant for this development requests two variances from the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations: 

  1. A variance from Section requiring curb, gutter and boulevard construction for all on-site roads. 

  1. A variance from Table requiring five-foot-wide sidewalks on each side of Moccasin Lane and proposed Road E. 

The subdivision was unzoned as of application sufficiency on April 11, 2022, with surrounding land use being residential to the south, industrial to the east, and agricultural to the north and west. Zoning districts within the subdivision as of July 1, 2022, include Agricultural-Working Lands, Industrial Center, Light, and Neighborhood Residential. Development in the Wye area has increased, and this subdivision is proposed to add to light industrial growth along Deschamps Lane. A second aspect of this subdivision is providing residential lots with a framework for future residential development in the Planned Neighborhood Land use. A third aspect of the subdivision is to continue a gravel crushing operation on the northwest portion of the property. 

Development of the subdivision is proposed over two phases. Phase 1 would include the industrial and working lands lot, including all infrastructure to support the phase, with a proposed filing deadline of December 31, 2025. Phase 2 would include the 11 residential lots with a filing deadline of December 31, 2028. Except for the existing gravel crushing operation, the only other existing development on the property is a single-family house and accessory structures on the southwest corner.  

Multiple roads, sidewalks, and storm water infrastructure are planned for the subdivision. Community sewer and a public water supply are proposed for the industrial lots, and residential lots are proposed to be served by individual wells and septic systems. The subject property has historically been used for hay production. However, due to limited water availability, agricultural use has been limited in recent years. Onsite vegetation consists mostly of grasses.  

View the full Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision Governing Body Review Packet.

Let us know your thoughts on the Riverside Industrial Major Subdivision.

Missoula County commissioners at their Aug. 4, 2022, public meeting approved the Riverside Industrial Subdivision.

Missoula County commissioners at their Aug. 4, 2022, public meeting approved the Riverside Industrial Subdivision.

Appears to be reasonable as the Wye continues to grow. Deschamps needs to evolve into a bypass around Missoula for Highway 93 traffic.

Damon Leishman about 2 years ago

I attended the public meeting on July 19th and was basically laughed at by the people running the meeting. So first of all, it appears they want to check the box of having a public meeting but they don’t actually want public comment. Second, Commissioner Slotnick and Strohmaier have stated the Moccasin Lane bridge is unsafe and denied development on Moccasin Lane already because of it. These developers and the planning staff have dismissed the impact of this development on that bridge. The traffic study these developers have done says 0% of the residential traffic will use the Mullan access to Moccasin lane. You think 0% of that population is going to swing by Target, Albertsons, Walmart, pick up dinner at restaurants or stop by a pharmacy / other business on North Reserve on their way home from work and NOT use Mullan to access Moccasin lane? Think again.

Carlee about 2 years ago

Fabulous idea and needed for safety reasons!

DANIELLE DUGDALE about 2 years ago

Nice to see this in the works. This will be a great addition for businesses.

DANIELLE DUGDALE about 2 years ago