Future Goals for Rosecrest Park
Rosecrest Park came into County ownership in 1962 during the creation of the Roseland Addition #2 subdivision, where the homes sit immediately adjacent to the park’s southern boundary. A second 0.3-acre parcel was added to the park in 2002 from the Pony Place subdivision to give trail access to the park from the north.
In the 2012 Missoula County Parks and Trails Master Plan, Rosecrest Park is classified as a “Greenway/Open Space” park. Greenway/Open Space parks are managed and maintained for conservation, open space, multi-use trails, pedestrian access and activity, habitat preservation and recreation dependent on natural features.
Then, the recent 2022 Missoula County Pathways and Trails Master Plan identifies the need to complete the trail connection between the shared-use path on Clements Avenue and the trails at Big Sky Park and DNRC. Rosecrest Park would be an ideal, safe option for this trail connection because it fits with the park’s classification and levels of service, there are no utilities preventing construction or maintenance, no need to obtain right-of-way, and it is not next to a road. Missoula County Parks, Trails and Open Lands would like to move Rosecrest Park in the direction of a safe neighborhood connection and eventually apply for state grant funds to support this. If a trail can be constructed, PTOL would budget funding to maintain the trail.
After an engagement period, staff reviewed comments and came up with options for adjacent landowners who accessed their property via this park in the past. A letter with these options was mailed on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.