Pernell Commons Minor Subdivision in East Missoula

The commissioners approved the Pernell Commons Minor Subdivision at their public meeting on Thursday, Jan. 9.

Project Description:

The Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a request from Habitat for Humanity, represented by IMEG, to subdivide a .22-acre tract in East Missoula into four residential lots.

The subdivider has requested a variance to allow two of the four lots to use the alley for legal access. All four lots will use a parking area located on Lot 3, next to the alley.

The property is located at 509-515 Speedway Ave., on the south side of the road near the intersection with Clyde Street. The property is legally described as COS #3917, Parcel 2, located in the S2 & SW4 SE4 S20, T14 N, R20 W, P.M.M., Missoula County.

Details on the subdivision request are available by contacting the PDS Office or online at Comments may be mailed to PDS, 200 W. Broadway, Missoula, MT, 59802 or emailed to

The commissioners must base their decision on the following review criteria, so comments related to these criteria are most useful.


Findings of Fact

The staff recommendation on a subdivision request is made after consideration of the following findings of fact:

  1. Compliance with zoning and the comprehensive plan;

  1. Effects on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environment, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and public health and safety;

  1. Compliance with survey requirements established in state statute, and local subdivision regulations and review procedures;

  1. Provision of necessary easements; and,

  1. Provision of legal and physical access.

The governing body (Board of County Commissioners) may require mitigation to minimize potentially significant adverse impacts without unreasonably restricting a landowner’s ability to develop the land. (Subdivision Regulations, Chapter

When determining appropriate mitigation, the governing body shall consider: A) whether unmitigated impacts of a proposed development are unacceptable, precluding approval of the plat; and B) the expressed preference of the subdivider. (Subdivision Regulations Chapter

Project Timeline:

The county commissioners will conduct a public hearing on this item on at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 9. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway in Missoula. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. The meeting agenda and information on how to join the meeting on your electronic device, will be available online at To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 467 457 758#.

Anyone attending who needs special assistance should provide advance notice by calling 406-258-4657. Your attendance and your comments are welcomed and encouraged. If you are not able to view the documents electronically or need additional information, contact Jennie Dixon at 406-258-4946 or 

Project Lead:

Contact Jennie Dixon under the “Who’s Listening” section of the right-hand side with any questions.

Categories: Minor Subdivision
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