Section 104(d) Replacement Plan

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The County and City have also completed a Section 104(d) Replacement Plan. Section 104(d) applies to this project and requires existing affordable housing units that will be converted or demolished to be replaced one-for-one with nearby, lower-income housing. All the units currently located at Clark Fork Inn will be replaced with affordable units through the Trinity development, as described in the joint County/City Section 104(d) One-for-One Replacement plan. Review the Section 104(d) Replacement Plan and let us know if you have questions.

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The comment period for this project has closed.

Missoula County and the City of Missoula will incorporate comments received into the Poverello Center’s Housing Montana Heroes Program Environmental Assessment and send the final version to the Montana Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Along with the final environmental assessment, the county and city will issue a Request for Release of Funds to MDOC and HUD, respectively, by Feb. 28, 2023. MDOC and HUD will publish the environmental assessment and engage in a 15-day comment period, whereupon the Community Development Block Grant funding for this project will be released for the Poverello Center’s Housing Montana Heroes program to be located at the Clark Fork Inn at 1010 W. Broadway.

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