Grass Valley Industrial Subdivision in the Wye

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The commissioners’ voted to approve this project at their public meeting on Thursday, July 25.

The Grass Valley Industrial Subdivision is a proposal by Grass Valley Industrial Park LLC for 19 industrial lots on 43.17 acres, located at 7908 Alita Drive in Missoula, south of Highway 10 West and east of Deschamps Lane in the Wye. The project will connect to city sewer, and the applicant proposes a water storage tank to provide water for drinking, commercial/industrial processes and fire protection. This project in the Wye 2 Targeted Economic Development District.

The subdivision will be located off Racetrack Lane, Enterprise Way and Alita Drive, existing roads that serve mostly commercial and industrial uses. The applicant proposes to extend two roads, Longacres Lane and Moccasin Lane, to provide through-connections to Racetrack Lane and Enterprise Way. Ranger Road, a cul-de-sac, is a new road serving the eastern lots within the property.

The applicant has requested eight variances to the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations. All roads meet the 26-foot-wide paved minimum for an industrial subdivision, but the applicant requests variances to allow for roadside drainage swales, rather than the required curb and gutter. Four variances are requested – one per road. A 5-foot-wide paved pathway network is proposed for all subdivision roads.Since these pathways would only be on one side of the subdivision's roads, rather than both sides, four variances are requested – one per road.

The goal of the project is to supply land and infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for light industrial uses in the Missoula area. Find the full application under “Important Links” on the right-hand side.

The commissioners’ voted to approve this project at their public meeting on Thursday, July 25.

The Grass Valley Industrial Subdivision is a proposal by Grass Valley Industrial Park LLC for 19 industrial lots on 43.17 acres, located at 7908 Alita Drive in Missoula, south of Highway 10 West and east of Deschamps Lane in the Wye. The project will connect to city sewer, and the applicant proposes a water storage tank to provide water for drinking, commercial/industrial processes and fire protection. This project in the Wye 2 Targeted Economic Development District.

The subdivision will be located off Racetrack Lane, Enterprise Way and Alita Drive, existing roads that serve mostly commercial and industrial uses. The applicant proposes to extend two roads, Longacres Lane and Moccasin Lane, to provide through-connections to Racetrack Lane and Enterprise Way. Ranger Road, a cul-de-sac, is a new road serving the eastern lots within the property.

The applicant has requested eight variances to the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations. All roads meet the 26-foot-wide paved minimum for an industrial subdivision, but the applicant requests variances to allow for roadside drainage swales, rather than the required curb and gutter. Four variances are requested – one per road. A 5-foot-wide paved pathway network is proposed for all subdivision roads.Since these pathways would only be on one side of the subdivision's roads, rather than both sides, four variances are requested – one per road.

The goal of the project is to supply land and infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for light industrial uses in the Missoula area. Find the full application under “Important Links” on the right-hand side.

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Page last updated: 12 Aug 2024, 09:17 AM