Public Comment Open for Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives

As part of the pre-purchase due diligence for Marshall Mountain Park, Missoula County used funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program to support Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs). The ESAs revealed some hazardous building materials, such as lead-based paint and asbestos, in the lodge, base building, rope tow base shack and upper pumphouse. Additionally, lead contamination was found in the soil near the rope tow wheel and shack, as well as lead-based paint on the rope tow wheel. Missoula County knew about these issues prior to purchasing the property. The structures that have been impacted are closed and not open to the public.

Next steps for cleaning up the contaminants

As an initial step to address these hazardous materials, Missoula County funded the development of an Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA). An ABCA is used to identify a preferred method for abating hazardous materials before cleanup and redevelopment of the site can proceed. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has agreed to perform cleanup activities once the public comment period on the ABCA is completed and a preferred cleanup alternative is selected.

The full public notice and the ABCA, along with associated documents, are provided below. This investment from the Brownfields Program aligns with the ongoing momentum at Marshall Mountain Park regarding planning and fundraising for infrastructure improvements.

Preferred cleanup option

Missoula County staff and the project consultant, NewFields, have identified Alternative 4 as the preferred cleanup option. This alternative prepares the site for reuse by addressing all Asbestos-Containing Building Materials (ACBMs), lead paint contamination and universal waste. It retains the main base building for future renovation and public use, while the lodge (with clocktower) and rope tow base shack would be demolished or deconstructed.

Only the estimated abatement and professional services costs are eligible for DEQ funding. Demolition and/or deconstruction costs will need to be addressed separately. Missoula County staff, in collaboration with community partners, are actively seeking additional funding for these activities and subsequent recreational improvements.

Current risk to the public

Regular recreational use of Marshall Mountain will not put the public at risk of coming into contact with these potentially hazardous building materials. These hazardous building materials are within nearly every building constructed before 1979, but rarely present a hazard to people living in the buildings. The buildings at Marshall Mountain Park are no different, and the fact that we know exactly where the hazards are allows us to keep the public safe. In general, the hazardous building materials are only an issue if disturbed. If left alone, they pose no dangers. Since the redevelopment plan involves potential deconstruction of some buildings and renovation of others, these contaminants need to be abated before proceeding. Missoula County and Montana DEQ are arranging to have these materials abated in accordance with EPA and OSHA regulations by a professional company. A third-party company will oversee the abatement, and the hazardous areas will be sealed until air samples analysis shows clean results.

If you have any questions about the contaminants and/or risks to the public, please contact Michael Kelly at or 907-317-2924. Michael Kelly is an environmental consultant and accredited asbestos contractor-supervisor.

Historical preservation

Marshall Mountain Park has been evaluated as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) due to its association with outdoor recreational history in Missoula and the surrounding communities.

None of the structures or features identified at the site contribute to its NRHP eligibility. Therefore, demolition or deconstruction of the lodge (with clocktower) or any other existing structures will not adversely impact Marshall Mountain Park’s NRHP eligibility.

Although the buildings themselves are not individually eligible for the NRHP, Missoula County acknowledges the iconic nature of these structures and will strive to retain or replicate key elements to preserve the site’s character wherever feasible.


Notice of availability and public comment period on the Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) document for the Marshall Mountain Park site in Missoula County, Montana.

Missoula County and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are seeking public comment on a document analyzing several options for cleanup at Marshall Mountain Park located at 5250 Marshall Canyon Road, Missoula, Montana. The ABCA was prepared to address abatement of hazardous materials in several structures as well as in soil on the Marshall Mountain site property. Specific goals of the ABCA include protection of human health and the environment and cleaning up the property to allow for future redevelopment. Preparation of the ABCA involved collaboration between Missoula County, the Montana DEQ Brownfields Program, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program.

Cleanup alternatives identified in the ABCA include taking no abatement action, abatement of all asbestos, universal waste, lead-based paint and lead-contaminated soil, or moderated abatement in preparation of demolition or deconstruction of some existing structures, including the main lodge building and the rope tow base shack. Missoula County and DEQ are accepting public comments on the ABCA through January 23, 2025.

The ABCA and associated documents are found here.

Comment Period Ends: January 23, 2025

Comments may be submitted by commenting on this post.

You can also send/submit comments to:

Colleen Owen at or (406) 755-8954
Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Brownfields Program
655 Timber Wolf Parkway
Kalispell, MT 59901


Sindie Kennedy
Grants and Community Resources, Missoula County
200 West Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 258-3688 or

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