DUI treatment court budget
Let us know your thoughts on request for a DUI treatment court budget increase.
Justice Court turned one vacant position into a hard-funded position for the DUI ROAD Court coordinator position. This will no longer be funded by grants in FY25. ROAD Court was founded in 2018 and funded every year by grants. By applying for and receiving grant funds, ROAD Court takes an evidence-based holistic approach to impaired driving. The numbers speak to the ability Missoula County has to reallocate resources from incarceration and to reduce recidivism, essentially saving lives. The goal is for ROAD Court to be hard-funded, as the program has grown to a wait list and has a reputation for changing lives and holding people accountable. They continue to apply for and receive grants every year. Justice Court is requesting $5,200 for case management software, DIMS, a DUI RANT Assessment tool, cell and house phones and general operating supplies. General operating supplies cover copiers, paper and basic office supplies necessary for daily operations of the program. Day planners are an example of this: they are a way for the participants to learn how to stay organized and accountable. This is necessary for the success of the ROAD Court participants. Studies have shown that people with a structured daily routine have less stress, sleep better, eat better and use their time more effectively. ROAD Court is both a DUI treatment court and an accountability court, holding participants responsible for making and keeping appointments, something they may have never done before. By providing day planners for participants, ROAD Court is helping them create routine and stay motivated in their recovery.
Department: Justice Court
Cost: $5,200
Type: Ongoing
Funding source(s): Property taxes
Commissioners are scheduled to discuss this item at their administrative public meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 11, though this is subject to change. Join the meeting in Room 206 of the County Administration Building, 199 W. Pine Street. You can also join the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. Visit http://missoula.co/bccmeetings to find the agenda and link to join.

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