Domestic violence treatment court budget
Let us know your thoughts on a domestic violence treatment court budget increase.
This request would fund an increase to the base budget for the domestic violence treatment court, which Justice of the Peace Alex Beal administers in Justice Court. Currently, staffing for this program only includes the judge and DV treatment court coordinator, but the team will be organized and expanded into 2024. The team's goals are to monitor the success and challenges of the Domestic Violence Court, identify and implement any needed changes, training need and policies and procedures. DV Treatment Court is funded by two grants: the Montana Board of Crime Control Violence Against Women Act grant and the Office on Violence against Women grant. They fund the DV treatment coordinator through 80% of VAWA and 20% of OVW, but those grants do not fund any operations. Justice Court is requesting $5,900 toward computers, office supplies, phones and County tech fees.
Department: Justice Court
Cost: $5,900
Type: Ongoing
Funding source(s): Property taxes
Commissioners are scheduled to discuss this item at their administrative public meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 11, though this date is subject to change. Join the meeting in Room 206 of the County Administration Building, 199 W. Pine Street. You can also join the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. Visit to find the agenda and link to join.

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