November 18 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting Agenda

Swan Valley Planning Committee
 Meeting Agenda 

November 18, 2024
 5 pm-7 pm, Condon Community Hall



Meeting ID: 270 993 601 168

Passcode: B2byax


Dial in by phone: (406) 272-4824

Phone conference number: 402 442 295#


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)
  3. Approval of Agenda (motion)
  4. Approval of Minutes (motion)
  5. Old Business (in priority order)


  • Public Participation Plan status:  
  • Preliminary update on Survey responses to date (Ian/ Lauren).
  • Approval of “Cover Letter” content and distribution (Helene/Jon)
  • Review Draft “Scope of work” and “Planning project timeline” (Ian).
  • Existing Condition Report update 
  • Review current draft of report (Ian).
  • Neighborhood Plan section reviews and proposed revisions  
  • None
  • Review open and new  Action items. (Helene)
  1. New Business


  1. Open Public Comment
  2. Next meeting agenda
  3. Meeting adjourned
October 21 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

October 21, 2024
 5 pm-7 pm, Condon Community Hall



Meeting ID: 270 993 601 168

Passcode: B2byax


Dial in by phone: (406) 272-4824

Phone conference number: 402 442 295#


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)
  3. Approval of Agenda (motion)
  4. Approval of Minutes (motion)
  5. Old Business (in priority order)


  • Existing Condition Report update (Ian) -Review completion and draft of report. This includes the environmental narrative forwarded by Luke
  • Public Participation Plan status  ( Marcia) – Present input from SV Community Council to the proposed survey questions.
  • Environmental Goals and Strategies (Luke) -Provide input to the strategies and goals in the environmental section sent by Luke.
  • Review open and new  Action items. (Jon)
  1. New Business

-    Discuss the budget for and logistics of the public participation plan efforts (Jon).

  1. Open Public Comment
  2. Next meeting agenda
  3. Meeting adjourned
September 16 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee

Swan Valley Planning Committee
 Meeting Agenda 

September 16, 2024
 5 pm-7 pm, Condon Community Hall



Meeting ID: 270 993 601 168

Passcode: B2byax


Dial in by phone: (406) 272-4824

Phone conference number: 402 442 295#


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)
  3. Approval of Agenda (motion)
  4. Approval of Minutes (motion)
  5. Old Business (in priority order)


  • Existing Condition Report update -Discuss progress of Scoping sheet information (population, housing, economy) (Ian).
  • Public Participation Plan status – Review updated survey questions (Lauren)
  • Neighborhood Plan section reviews and proposed revisions -Progress update by assigned committee members (focus on Strategy and Goals) (Helene).
  • Review open Action items (Helene).
  1. New Business

-    Discuss the budget for and logistics of the public participation plan efforts (Jon).

-    Discuss the need for a USFS person serving as an ex officio member of our committee (Jon).

  1. Open Public Comment
  2. Next meeting agenda
  3. Meeting adjourned


Participants Shall:  

  • Be respectful and not interrupt one another; 
  • Listen fully and sincerely, try to understand the perspectives of other participants. Give everyone a chance to speak;
  • Adhere to any time limits set by council;
  • Agree not to attack or blame;
  • Ask questions to help further understanding;
  • Express oneself in terms of needs, interests and preferences instead of establishing a position on a subject;
  • Turn off cell phones and other distracting electronic devices
August 19 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee

Swan Valley Planning Committee
Meeting Agenda
 5 pm-7 pm, Condon Community Hall


Participants Shall:  

  • Be respectful and not interrupt one another; 
  • Listen fully and sincerely, try to understand the perspectives of other participants. Give everyone a chance to speak;
  • Adhere to any time limits set by council;
  • Agree not to attack or blame;
  • Ask questions to help further understanding;
  • Express oneself in terms of needs, interests and preferences instead of establishing a position on a subject;
  • Turn off cell phones and other distracting electronic devices


  1. Call to Order 


  1. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)


  1. Approval of Agenda (motion)


  1. Approval of Minutes (motion)


  1. Old Business (in priority order)


  • Existing Condition Report update
  • Public Participation Plan status
  • Neighborhood Plan section reviews and proposed revisions


  1. New Business

- Review Action item list


  1. Open Public Comment


  1.  Next meeting agenda


  1. Meeting adjourned
July 22 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

The Swan Valley Planning Committee meets from 5-7 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Center.

  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes     
  5. Old Business
  6. Discussion: Succession from Missoula County, Condon Incorporation, and the Neighborhood Planning Process
  7. USFS Grant Proposal
  8. Public Participation Plan
    1. Timeline proposal
    2. Review previous survey, survey results
    3. Discuss potential mail/online survey
    4. Outreach events
  9. Review and discuss goal and strategy assignments
  10. Existing conditions update: density and homestead maps
  11. New Business
  12. Open Public Comment &  Next meeting agenda
  13. Meeting adjourned
June 17 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

Swan Valley Planning Committee
Meeting Agenda 6/17/2024
 5pm-7pm, Condon Community Hall

  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call (Quorum is 3 members)
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes     
  5. Old Business                                                                                                         Brief recap: where are we in the planning process?
  6. Public Participation Plan
    1. Timeline proposal
    2. Discuss potential mail/online survey
    3. Outreach events
    4. Other public engagement?
  7. Review and discuss goal and strategy assignments
  8. Existing conditions update: growth forecast, housing and economic development
  9. New Business
  10.  recap is useful to help us all keep track of our progress and think about next steps.
  11. We only had the opportunity to briefly cover the public participation plan. We’d like to propose a rough timeline and propose doing a mail-in and online survey so we’d like to discuss that with the group. We’ll have some examples to share.  
  12. The committee divvied itself up into groups to review and discuss the goals and strategies from the 1997 plan. What did we find out?
  13. I can share some interesting findings from my work on the growth forecast, housing and economic development components of the docu

County staff transition, Andrew has been moved to another position.

Group discussion of 1996 and 2008 neighborhood plans County staff will present a draft public participation plan, and an outline of the existing conditions report.


  1. Open Public Comment  &  Next meeting agenda
  2. Meeting adjourned
May 20 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee

The Swan Valley Planning Committee will meet from 5-7 p.m. on May 20, at the Swan Valley Community Center. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


1. Call to order and attendance

2. Items not on the agenda

3. County staffing transition

4. Group discussion of the 1996 and 2008 neighborhood plans

5. County staff will present the draft public participation plan. Discussion with the committee to follow.

6. County staff will present an outline of the existing conditions report. Discussion with the committee to follow. 

7. Scheduling and next steps

8. Adjourn

April 08 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee

The Swan Valley Planning Committee met from 5-7 p.m. on April 8, at the Swan Valley Community Center.

Agenda: The Committee voted to send a letter to the Community Council recommending  moving forward on a neighborhood plan. This letter will be presented to the Committee Council at the next Council meeting. 

The group also discussed next steps in the planning process

March 18 2024

Swan Valley Planning Commitee

The Swan Valley Planning Committee met from 5-7 p.m. on March 18, at the Swan Valley Community Center. The reviewed what they had discussed in past meetings and what to do next. The Committee decided to recommend to the Community Council to move forward with drafting a neighborhood plan and continuing to explore the idea of zoning. 

February 26 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

The Swan Valley Planning Committee met from 5-7 p.m. on February 26, at the Swan Valley Community Center.

Agenda: Planners from Missoula County presented on “What is zoning? How is it developed, what can it and cannot do?” Following the presentation there was a question-and-answer session on zoning.

February 12 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee

The Swan Valley Planning Committee met from 5-7 p.m. FEB. 12, at the Swan Valley Community Center.  This meeting was originally scheduled for Jan 22., but was moved due to severe driving conditions.

Planners from Missoula County presented on “What is a neighborhood plan? How are they developed, what can they do?” Following the presentation there was a question-and-answer session on neighborhood plans. You can find the presentation titled Neighborhood Plans 2.12.24 under the  "documents" widget. 

January 22 2024

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting - CANCELED


The Swan Valley Planning Committee will meet from 5-7 p.m. Jan. 22, at the Swan Valley Community Center. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Agenda: Planners from Missoula County will present on “What is a neighborhood plan? How are they developed, what can they do?” Following the presentation will be a question-and-answer session on neighborhood plans.

The Swan Valley Planning Committee will be testing an option to attend the meeting online. This will be a test, and it is recommended to attend in person. If this test is successful, an online option will be available in the future.

December 18 2023

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

The Swan Valley Planning Committee held a meeting on Dec. 18 at the Swan Valley Community Center.

Agenda: The agenda was originally for the Planning Committee to look over different ways to engage the community, but due to a huge turnout by the public (estimated over 50 people), the committee and staff changed the agenda. Most people in attendance were not aware of the planning discussions that had occurred with the community council and needed context. County staff providedbackground and then answered questions. There was substantial agreement among the attendees that the committee needed to focus on the basics, like what a neighborhood plan is, and what zoning is. The committee decided to change course and at the next meeting in January do an informational presentation on neighborhood plans, and for the February meeting do an informational presentation on zoning.

November 27 2023

Swan Valley Planning Committee Meeting

The Swan Valley Planning Committee held a meeting on Nov. 27 at the Swan Valley Community Center.

Agenda: This was the first meeting of the Swan Valley Planning Committee following its formation. At this meeting, introductions were made and County staff gave an overview of open meeting laws and the responsibilities of the committee. Staff gave an overview of a potential work plan for the committee and a handout on the differences between a neighborhood plan and zoning. Staff answered questions from members of the public about the difference between a neighborhood plan and zoning.