Swan Valley Planning Committee

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Follow this page to stay up-to-date on the Swan Valley Planning Committee, and let the Swan Valley Planning Committee know your thoughts or questions on various planning topics discussed at their meetings.

Planning Committee Members: Helene Michael, Luke Lamar, Grace Siloti, Gary Lazarowski, Joan McGuire, Marcia Tapp (non-voting member), Tom Parker, Jon Simon, Christian Spilker, Len Kobylenski, Christine Straube (non-voting member), Bill Lombardi, Jenny Rorher (non-voting member and note taker).

Swan Valley Neighborhood Questionnaire Results

In the summer of 2024, the Swan Valley Planning Committee began a public participation process to support an update of the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan. The Swan Valley Community Council, a public body comprised of members elected by the voters in the Upper Swan Valley, established the Swan Valley Planning Committee on November 21, 2023.

This anonymous questionnaire was an important part of that process. Paper copies were sent to the tax address of record for every home in the Upper Swan Valley. The questionnaire included a return envelope which was used to mail the response back to the Missoula County Department of Planning, Development and Sustainability (MCPDS), who administered the questionnaire. A followup letter from the Swan Valley Planning Committee that provided additional information was sent in December, 2024 to the same group of addresses. In addition, an online version was available on Swan Valley Planning Committee section of the Missoula County Voice. Respondents could mail in the survey, return it to drop off locations at the Swan Valley Library or Swan Valley Mercantile, or complete the questionnaire online.

In order to reach as many residents as possible, the questionnaire was publicized online using the Swan Valley Facebook group and Missoula County’s social media accounts. It was also publicized at several in-person public events: the Condon Community Conversation in October, 2024 and at the Upper Swan Valley Historical Society’s Frostbite Festival in December, 2024.

The purpose of the questionnaire included the following:

1. Involve the community in the planning process

2. Inform the committee of the demographics and homeownership status of respondents

3. Help develop community goals and strategies for the neighborhood plan update

4. Solicit public input on specific topics of concern, such as land use and infrastructure

The questionnaire was open from October 20th until it was closed on January 1st, 2025. Of the 754 surveys that were sent, 232 total responses were received, a 31% response rate. Of these, 161 (69%) were received as paper copies, either mailed in or dropped off, and 71 (31%) were completed online. MCPDS staff scanned each paper response and logged the answers into the same system that collected the online version. Staff also tracked which questionnaires were received as paper copies and which were filled out online.

In the report that follows, responses to each question are summarized. Responses to essay or open-ended questions are all included. In the cases of the paper copies, these were transcribed by MCPDS staff. The date and time stamps for written responses reflect the date and time that a paper questionnaire was logged and transcribed by staff, not when it was filled out by the respondent.

Questionnaire Results Report

The Swan Valley Planning Committee is a sub-committee of the Swan Valley Community Council tasked with exploring ideas, opportunities, and applications for land use planning tools that could be developed to address residents’ concerns around growth in the Swan Valley.

Members of the Planning Committee were appointed by the Swan Valley Community Council on Nov. 21, 2023. They were directed to explore land use issues the community is most concerned about, and what planning tools might best address those issues. The Planning Committee determined to pursue updating the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood plan, which was approved by the Swan Valley Community Council.

This webpage is a place for the community to track the activities of the Planning Committee, find resources, such as the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan, and keep track of meeting times and dates. Planning Committee meetings are open to the public and are held at the Swan Valley Community Center. Find the agenda, meeting times, and dates for the Swan Valley Planning Committee meetings under the "key dates" widget on the right-hand side. When the Planning Committee is seeking engagement, comments made on this website will be forwarded to the Planning Committee.

The Planning Committee is currently working on updating the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan. The meetings are attended by Missoula County Planning, Development and Sustainability planners who provide the community with technical assistance.

The Planning Committee is holding an additional meeting each month. This meeting is online only from 5-7 pm. The public can join via Microsoft Teams using the link below. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Online meeting dates: January 27th, March 3rd, March 31st, April 7th.

Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month from 5-7 pm at the Swan Valley Community Center unless otherwise posted. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The public can also join the meetings using the Microsoft Teams link either by phone or on the computer:

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 270 993 601 168

Passcode: B2byax

Dial in by phone

+1 406-272-4824,,402442295# United States, Billings

(406) 272-4824,,402442295# United States (Toll-free)

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 402 442 295#

Join on a video conferencing device

Tenant key: 623215837@t.plcm.vc

Video ID: 117 733 824 7

More info

For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN

Follow this page to stay up-to-date on the Swan Valley Planning Committee, and let the Swan Valley Planning Committee know your thoughts or questions on various planning topics discussed at their meetings.

Planning Committee Members: Helene Michael, Luke Lamar, Grace Siloti, Gary Lazarowski, Joan McGuire, Marcia Tapp (non-voting member), Tom Parker, Jon Simon, Christian Spilker, Len Kobylenski, Christine Straube (non-voting member), Bill Lombardi, Jenny Rorher (non-voting member and note taker).

Swan Valley Neighborhood Questionnaire Results

In the summer of 2024, the Swan Valley Planning Committee began a public participation process to support an update of the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan. The Swan Valley Community Council, a public body comprised of members elected by the voters in the Upper Swan Valley, established the Swan Valley Planning Committee on November 21, 2023.

This anonymous questionnaire was an important part of that process. Paper copies were sent to the tax address of record for every home in the Upper Swan Valley. The questionnaire included a return envelope which was used to mail the response back to the Missoula County Department of Planning, Development and Sustainability (MCPDS), who administered the questionnaire. A followup letter from the Swan Valley Planning Committee that provided additional information was sent in December, 2024 to the same group of addresses. In addition, an online version was available on Swan Valley Planning Committee section of the Missoula County Voice. Respondents could mail in the survey, return it to drop off locations at the Swan Valley Library or Swan Valley Mercantile, or complete the questionnaire online.

In order to reach as many residents as possible, the questionnaire was publicized online using the Swan Valley Facebook group and Missoula County’s social media accounts. It was also publicized at several in-person public events: the Condon Community Conversation in October, 2024 and at the Upper Swan Valley Historical Society’s Frostbite Festival in December, 2024.

The purpose of the questionnaire included the following:

1. Involve the community in the planning process

2. Inform the committee of the demographics and homeownership status of respondents

3. Help develop community goals and strategies for the neighborhood plan update

4. Solicit public input on specific topics of concern, such as land use and infrastructure

The questionnaire was open from October 20th until it was closed on January 1st, 2025. Of the 754 surveys that were sent, 232 total responses were received, a 31% response rate. Of these, 161 (69%) were received as paper copies, either mailed in or dropped off, and 71 (31%) were completed online. MCPDS staff scanned each paper response and logged the answers into the same system that collected the online version. Staff also tracked which questionnaires were received as paper copies and which were filled out online.

In the report that follows, responses to each question are summarized. Responses to essay or open-ended questions are all included. In the cases of the paper copies, these were transcribed by MCPDS staff. The date and time stamps for written responses reflect the date and time that a paper questionnaire was logged and transcribed by staff, not when it was filled out by the respondent.

Questionnaire Results Report

The Swan Valley Planning Committee is a sub-committee of the Swan Valley Community Council tasked with exploring ideas, opportunities, and applications for land use planning tools that could be developed to address residents’ concerns around growth in the Swan Valley.

Members of the Planning Committee were appointed by the Swan Valley Community Council on Nov. 21, 2023. They were directed to explore land use issues the community is most concerned about, and what planning tools might best address those issues. The Planning Committee determined to pursue updating the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood plan, which was approved by the Swan Valley Community Council.

This webpage is a place for the community to track the activities of the Planning Committee, find resources, such as the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan, and keep track of meeting times and dates. Planning Committee meetings are open to the public and are held at the Swan Valley Community Center. Find the agenda, meeting times, and dates for the Swan Valley Planning Committee meetings under the "key dates" widget on the right-hand side. When the Planning Committee is seeking engagement, comments made on this website will be forwarded to the Planning Committee.

The Planning Committee is currently working on updating the 1996 Swan Valley Neighborhood Plan. The meetings are attended by Missoula County Planning, Development and Sustainability planners who provide the community with technical assistance.

The Planning Committee is holding an additional meeting each month. This meeting is online only from 5-7 pm. The public can join via Microsoft Teams using the link below. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Online meeting dates: January 27th, March 3rd, March 31st, April 7th.

Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month from 5-7 pm at the Swan Valley Community Center unless otherwise posted. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The public can also join the meetings using the Microsoft Teams link either by phone or on the computer:

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 270 993 601 168

Passcode: B2byax

Dial in by phone

+1 406-272-4824,,402442295# United States, Billings

(406) 272-4824,,402442295# United States (Toll-free)

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 402 442 295#

Join on a video conferencing device

Tenant key: 623215837@t.plcm.vc

Video ID: 117 733 824 7

More info

For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025, 08:31 AM