Use Variance to Expand Gravel Operation South of Lolo

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The Missoula County commissioners voted to approve this use variance request at a special public meeting on Aug. 6, 2024.

Missoula County has received a use variance request from Western Materials for property located west of Old Highway 93 South, just south of McClain Creek Road near Lolo. The variance request is to allow the existing 80-acre gravel operation on the east (shown outlined in green) to expand into the 70-acre area shown outlined in red and yellow. The expansion will nearly double the size of the operation.

All tracts are zoned Citizen Zoning District ZD#40, a residential zoning district the Missoula County Planning and Zoning Commission adopted in 1976. The existing gravel operation pre-dates this zoning and so is permitted to continue as a legal nonconforming use. However, since the zoning does not authorize resource extraction, the applicant must request, and be granted, a use variance to expand beyond the existing 80 acres. The application cover letter describes in depth why the applicant believes the western 70 acres qualifies for a use variance.

You can find the full application here.

The Planning and Zoning Commission opened this hearing at their public meeting on Feb. 22, continued it to April 4, continued it again to May 2, and again to 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 20. You can join the meeting in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, or online via Microsoft Teams. Find the agenda and link to join online. Please note that the agenda will be published on Friday, April 26.

The Missoula County commissioners voted to approve this use variance request at a special public meeting on Aug. 6, 2024.

Missoula County has received a use variance request from Western Materials for property located west of Old Highway 93 South, just south of McClain Creek Road near Lolo. The variance request is to allow the existing 80-acre gravel operation on the east (shown outlined in green) to expand into the 70-acre area shown outlined in red and yellow. The expansion will nearly double the size of the operation.

All tracts are zoned Citizen Zoning District ZD#40, a residential zoning district the Missoula County Planning and Zoning Commission adopted in 1976. The existing gravel operation pre-dates this zoning and so is permitted to continue as a legal nonconforming use. However, since the zoning does not authorize resource extraction, the applicant must request, and be granted, a use variance to expand beyond the existing 80 acres. The application cover letter describes in depth why the applicant believes the western 70 acres qualifies for a use variance.

You can find the full application here.

The Planning and Zoning Commission opened this hearing at their public meeting on Feb. 22, continued it to April 4, continued it again to May 2, and again to 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 20. You can join the meeting in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, or online via Microsoft Teams. Find the agenda and link to join online. Please note that the agenda will be published on Friday, April 26.

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Page last updated: 09 Aug 2024, 09:39 AM