Wye Infrastructure Plan

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Current Status: The Wye Infrastructure Plan is entering an internal review phase. This step in the process is a recent addition to the project. Its purpose is to fully inform stakeholders and gather feedback on elements of the plan before the draft is released for public input.

The internal review phase will allow the project team to engage county departments involved in infrastructure development and management at the Wye, as well as other jurisdictions that currently manage or will manage infrastructure there in the future. These include rural fire districts, school districts, the Montana Department of Transportation, and the City of Missoula.

This phase of the project is expected to be completed in the spring of 2025, resulting in a draft plan ready for public review.

Background: Missoula County is putting together a Wye Infrastructure Plan, which will create a vision for how Missoula County could address infrastructure deficiencies in the Wye area, such as roads, water, wastewater, broadband and more. This plan will carefully examine the future infrastructure needs in the Wye and identify preferred alternatives for addressing those needs.

The Wye Infrastructure Plan is not associated with the privately proposed Grass Valley Gardens Subdivision or Grass Valley Industrial Subdivision currently in the county review process. See the associated Voice pages for information on those projects.

Missoula County is currently working with the consulting team to develop the draft plan (Phase 3) . The draft will be based on the draft needs assessment and the teams analysis of the most efficient and cost effective delivery of infrastructure to the area. The full draft plan is expected to be publicly available in September of 2024.

The Wye is a rapidly developing area of the county with a mix of employee and residential uses and intensities. Following years of outreach and engagement, Missoula County adopted the Missoula Area Land Use Element in 2019, a vision for land use throughout the Missoula Valley, including the Wye. The plan identified the Wye as being infrastructure deficient. The infrastructure necessary to support both the existing development and planning growth is inconsistent and, in many cases, substandard, resulting in haphazard land use patterns. In 2023, Missoula County contracted with WGM Group to develop the Wye Infrastructure Plan.

Aerial map view of planning area for Wye Infrastructure Plan

Current Status: The Wye Infrastructure Plan is entering an internal review phase. This step in the process is a recent addition to the project. Its purpose is to fully inform stakeholders and gather feedback on elements of the plan before the draft is released for public input.

The internal review phase will allow the project team to engage county departments involved in infrastructure development and management at the Wye, as well as other jurisdictions that currently manage or will manage infrastructure there in the future. These include rural fire districts, school districts, the Montana Department of Transportation, and the City of Missoula.

This phase of the project is expected to be completed in the spring of 2025, resulting in a draft plan ready for public review.

Background: Missoula County is putting together a Wye Infrastructure Plan, which will create a vision for how Missoula County could address infrastructure deficiencies in the Wye area, such as roads, water, wastewater, broadband and more. This plan will carefully examine the future infrastructure needs in the Wye and identify preferred alternatives for addressing those needs.

The Wye Infrastructure Plan is not associated with the privately proposed Grass Valley Gardens Subdivision or Grass Valley Industrial Subdivision currently in the county review process. See the associated Voice pages for information on those projects.

Missoula County is currently working with the consulting team to develop the draft plan (Phase 3) . The draft will be based on the draft needs assessment and the teams analysis of the most efficient and cost effective delivery of infrastructure to the area. The full draft plan is expected to be publicly available in September of 2024.

The Wye is a rapidly developing area of the county with a mix of employee and residential uses and intensities. Following years of outreach and engagement, Missoula County adopted the Missoula Area Land Use Element in 2019, a vision for land use throughout the Missoula Valley, including the Wye. The plan identified the Wye as being infrastructure deficient. The infrastructure necessary to support both the existing development and planning growth is inconsistent and, in many cases, substandard, resulting in haphazard land use patterns. In 2023, Missoula County contracted with WGM Group to develop the Wye Infrastructure Plan.

Aerial map view of planning area for Wye Infrastructure Plan

  • Comment on the Draft Infrastructure Needs Assessment.

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    The County is currently asking for input on a draft needs assessment. The needs assessment identifies the infrastructure needs in the planning area, and analyzes future service requirements and deficiencies based on projected growth. It will be adopted as part of the plan, and comments will be accepted on the needs assessment all the way up to plan adoption. View the needs assessment and let us know your comments.

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  • What the Wye Infrastructure Plan Is and Is Not

    Share What the Wye Infrastructure Plan Is and Is Not on Facebook Share What the Wye Infrastructure Plan Is and Is Not on Twitter Share What the Wye Infrastructure Plan Is and Is Not on Linkedin Email What the Wye Infrastructure Plan Is and Is Not link

    The Wye Infrastructure Plan will:

    • Implement the recommendations of the 2019 Missoula Area Land Use Element.
    • Describe existing conditions, development constraints and opportunities.
    • Identify opportunities for expansion of water service and wastewater treatment within the planning area necessary to serve the planned population and development intensities.
    • Include a transportation element that identifies existing and potential transportation deficiencies for both motorized and non-motorized users based on current conditions and planned population and development intensities, and recommended improvements necessary to address those deficiencies including complete street principles.
    • Include an implementation strategy with estimated costs, timeframes, and prioritizations of the plan’s recommendations.

    The Wye Infrastructure is not:

    • A land use plan looking at appropriate density and use of the area
    • The Wye 2 Targeted Economic Development District process
    • Engineering-level design of systems
    • Requirements or regulations, although new regulations such as stormwater standards might be recommended in the plan
    • A proposal by the City of Missoula, although the city is an important stakeholder
  • Relationship to Wye 2 Targeted Economic Development District

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    Missoula County is also considering establishing a second Targeted Economic Development District (TEDD) at the Wye. The process to establish the Wye 2 TEDD is a separate process from the Wye Infrastructure Plan. The creation of a Wye 2 TEDD will enable Missoula County to fund infrastructure, such as sewer, water, transportation, life safety services and workforce housing, to support value-adding enterprises that will improve the economic well-being of the area. The Wye Infrastructure Plan will likely identify infrastructure projects that the Wye 2 TEDD can fund, but these two projects have different outcomes, timelines and processes for adoption under law.

    Visit the Wye 2 TEDD Missoula County Voice page to learn more about that project.

Page last updated: 12 Mar 2025, 12:28 PM