4086 Sherman Gulch Road Special Exception

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.

Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception request from Ron and Melanie Martin-Dent for property located at 4086 Sherman Gulch Road, legally described as Lot 8 in S01, T13N, R21W, P.M.M., and recorded in a deed at Book 689 Micro, Page 1018. The applicant proposes to place another dwelling on the subject property.

SUMMARY: Section 2.3.D.3. of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations allows more than one principle use or structure if approved as a special exception. The applicant requests placing another dwelling near the existing dwelling on this 11-acre tract. The property is zoned AGRR5 (Agricultural, Rural Residential) which allows a residential density of one dwelling per five acres. This proposal will meet all other zoning requirements of this district, including building placement standards. None of the reviewing agencies had any comment on the proposal.

The Board of Adjustment is authorized to grant Special Exception permits authorizing a use established as eligible in this district but which requires a special degree of consideration and control to ensure such uses are consistent and compatible with the overall community character. In order to approve a special exception, the board must determine:

  1. The proposed use or development will be compatible with and will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property;
  2. The proposed use preserves the character of the district, and the property is suitable for the use proposed.

The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams by going to http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. Please feel free to contact Jennie Dixon with any questions at 406-258-4946 or by email at jdixon@missoulacounty.us.

Categories: Special Exception Applications
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