Category Special Exception Applications   Show all

  • Granite Peak RV Park Expansion

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    The commissioners voted to approve this project on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.

    To learn, provide comments or ask questions about the proposed expansion of the Granite Peak RV Park and related use variance requests, click here.

  • 7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request

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    The Board of Adjustments approved this variance and special exception request at their meeting on Oct. 18.

    Project description:

    An existing cannabis cultivation and processing facility is seeking to expand operations with a new greenhouse, and an exception from landscaping requirements on the steep hillside on the north side of the property.

    Project documents: Special exception application, zoning variance application, revised site plan

    Project timeline: The Missoula County Zoning Board of Adjustments will take this up at their 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, meeting. This meeting will take place in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway, as well as via Microsoft Teams.

    Project lead: Zach Jones, planner

  • 4490 Old Marshall Grade Road Tower Replacement Special Exception Request

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    The Zoning Board of Adjustments approved this item at their meeting on Aug. 16, 2023.

    Project Description:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception application from Sarah O'Neil, on behalf of American Tower Company, for property located at 4490 Old Marshall Grade Road, legally described as S13, T13 N, R19 W, C.O.S. 3090, TRACT 2 IN NE1/4. The 27.02-acre parcel is zoned Agriculture, Working 40 (AGW 40) and is the current site of a 98-foot wooden telecommunications tower and equipment. The applicant proposes to install a new 125-foot steel telecommunications monopole and remove the existing 98-foot wooden pole and related equipment when the new tower is installed and functional.

    Section 2.4.G. of Missoula County Zoning Regulations allow utility services (major) in AGW zoning districts by Special Exception. The site currently contains a 98-foot pole with the applicant proposing to install a new 125-foot pole, removing the 98-foot pole when installation is completed. A Special Exception is required to give due consideration to the potential impacts of the new telecommunications tower and to ensure the proposed land use is consistent and compatible with the character of the area.

    The Board of Adjustment is authorized to grant Special Exception permits authorizing a use established as eligible in this district but which requires a special degree of consideration and control to ensure such uses are consistent and compatible with the overall community character. In order to approve a special exception, the board must determine:

    1. The proposed use or development will be compatible with and will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property;
    2. The proposed use preserves the character of the district, and the property is suitable for the use proposed.

    If you have any comments on this special exception request, please submit them in written form to the Planning, Development and Sustainability Office at 127 E. Main, Suite 2, no later than Aug. 7. Written comments will be taken by the Missoula County Board of Adjustment after that date, up until the public meeting is closed; however, any written comments received by Aug. 14, 2023, will be included in the staff report to the Board of Adjustment.

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams by going to To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#.

    Project link

    Project lead: Glenn Ingram, planner

  • 6521 Lower Miller Creek Road Special Exception

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    The Zoning Board of Adjustments approved this item at their meeting on Nov. 15, 2023.

    Project description:

    The applicants are seeking a special exception to allow construction of an additional dwelling unit on the property. This is not allowed in the RRS 1 Zoning District unless permitted by Special Exception.

    Project packet: Application and Site Plan

    Project timeline: The Missoula County Zoning Board of Adjustments will take this up at their 6 p.m. Nov. 15 meeting. This meeting will take place in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway, as well as via Microsoft Teams. Find the agenda and link to join.

    Project lead: Zach Jones, planner

  • Granite Peak RV Park Special Exception Request

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    The Missoula County Zoning Board of Adjustment approved the Granite Peak RV Park Special Exception Request at their meeting on July 19, 2023.

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception request from Ron Ewart, PCI, Inc., representing Dave Swisher/ Lolo Peak LLC, for property located at 9900 Thoroughbred Lane, legally described as S21, T14 N, R20 W, C.O.S. 4639, PARCEL A1, LESS MAHLUM MEADOWS, and recorded in a deed at Book 1035 Micro, Page 640. The applicant proposes to expand the existing land use area of the Granite Peak RV Park from approximately 12 acres to approximately 18 acres.

    SUMMARY: The property is zoned Neighborhood Residential (NR), which prohibits recreational vehicle parks. However, Section 10.3.A.4. of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations allows a nonconforming use of land outside a building to be intensified, enlarged or extended by up to 50% of additional land area by special exception. The applicant requests to expand the existing land use area of the Granite Peak RV Park business by 50%.

    The Board of Adjustment is authorized to grant Special Exception permits authorizing a use established as eligible in this district but which requires a special degree of consideration and control to ensure such uses are consistent and compatible with the overall community character. In order to approve a special exception, the board must determine:

    1. The proposed use or development will be compatible with and will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property;
    2. The proposed use preserves the character of the district, and the property is suitable for the use proposed.

    If you have any comments on this special exception request, you can submit them here or in written form to the Planning, Development and Sustainability Office at 127 E. Main, Suite 2, no later than Friday, July 14, 2023. Comments will be taken by the Missoula County Board of Adjustment after that date, up until the public meeting is closed; however, any comments received by July 14, 2023, will be included in the staff report to the Board of Adjustment.

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 6 p.m. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams by going to To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#.

    Project link

    Project lead: Glenn Ingram, planner

  • 4025 Mount Ave - Daycare Center Special Exception Request

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    The Missoula County Board of Adjustment approved the Mount Ave. Daycare Center exception at their April 19, 2023, hearing.


    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached special exception application from Melody Bryan, for the property located 4025 Mount Avenue, legally described as Lot 1, Hill Addition, S25, T13 N, R20 W. The parcel is approximately 1 acre and is currently occupied by one single family home.

    The subject property at 4025 Mount Avenue is designated as Rural Residential, Small Agriculture 0.5 (RRS .5) and Target Range Overlay Zoning District by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations. In the RRS .5 zoning district, a Daycare Center is only permitted by special exception approval from the Missoula County Board of Adjustment. Daycare Centers are allowed to serve 13 or more children on a regular basis while a Daycare Home is only allowed to serve 12 or fewer children.  Daycare Homes are a permitted use in the RRS .5 zoning district and do not require special exception approval.  

    In their application the applicant states they will convert the existing single family residential home into the proposed Daycare Center. The applicant states at max capacity, they hope to serve 24 two through five-year-olds and 8 zero- to two-year-olds. At max capacity there would be a minimum of 5 employees on-site at a time. The application states there is a large demand for childcare services in Missoula and this location is ideal because of its proximity to residential homes as well as the Target Range School. The Daycare Center would be open from 7:30AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday. The lot also has an existing looped driveway that will serve as the drop off and pick up entrance into the Daycare Center. The applicant is proposing small cosmetic changes to the interior of the single-family home as well as any changes needed to comply with building code requirements.

    Project Link:

    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT.  Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:

    Project Planner:

    Project planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at or 258-3869.

  • 3790 Highway 200 E Special Exception - "The Local"

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    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.
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    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.


    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached special exception application from Eric Bostrom and Gabriel McMurray, for the property located at 3790 Highway 200 E, legally described as FRAC OF LOTS 13 to 15 & ALLEY ADJ & PT OF A NO of HWY DE 1966. The parcel is approximately 1.73 acres and is currently occupied by one commercial structure with multiple tenant spaces.

    The subject property at 3790 Highway 200 E is designated as Neighborhood Commercial (NC) by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations. In the Neighborhood Commercial zoning district, a cannabis dispensary is only permitted by special exception approval from the Missoula County Board of Adjustment. Additionally, section 5.8.B.1. of the Missoula County Zoning regulations require cannabis dispensary’s to be located a minimum distance of 500 feet from other cannabis dispensaries. The closest cannabis dispensary is located over 500 feet away from the subject property; as a result, the applicants are eligible and have chosen to submit a special exception application for a cannabis dispensary at 3790 Highway 200 E.

    In their application the applicants state the name of the proposed dispensary will be “The Local.” Besides selling recreational cannabis, the owners also plan to feature other local products in an effort to support other local business owners. The proposed dispensary will be located in an existing commercial tenant space previously occupied by diesel mechanic shop. Minor modifications to the building to comply with building code requirements will be administered through a Building Permit, otherwise the proposal will utilize the existing floorplan of the previous tenant. The dispensary will include retail floor space, one office space, a storage room, and one bathroom. There are 11 parking spaces already on-site which will serve as the required parking for the proposed dispensary.

    Project Link:

    Project Timeline:

    Should you wish to attend the public hearings concerning this request, the public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 2022, at 6:00 PM over a Microsoft Teams call. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To receive a link to join the meeting online, please reach out to Nick Zanetos at 406-258-3869 or

    Project Planner:

    Project planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at or 258-3869.

  • 4086 Sherman Gulch Road Special Exception

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception request from Ron and Melanie Martin-Dent for property located at 4086 Sherman Gulch Road, legally described as Lot 8 in S01, T13N, R21W, P.M.M., and recorded in a deed at Book 689 Micro, Page 1018. The applicant proposes to place another dwelling on the subject property.

    SUMMARY: Section 2.3.D.3. of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations allows more than one principle use or structure if approved as a special exception. The applicant requests placing another dwelling near the existing dwelling on this 11-acre tract. The property is zoned AGRR5 (Agricultural, Rural Residential) which allows a residential density of one dwelling per five acres. This proposal will meet all other zoning requirements of this district, including building placement standards. None of the reviewing agencies had any comment on the proposal.

    The Board of Adjustment is authorized to grant Special Exception permits authorizing a use established as eligible in this district but which requires a special degree of consideration and control to ensure such uses are consistent and compatible with the overall community character. In order to approve a special exception, the board must determine:

    1. The proposed use or development will be compatible with and will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property;
    2. The proposed use preserves the character of the district, and the property is suitable for the use proposed.

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams by going to To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. Please feel free to contact Jennie Dixon with any questions at 406-258-4946 or by email at

  • Dancing Goat Gardens Special Exception

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    The Board of Adjustment approved the Dancing Goat Gardens Special Exception on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022.
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    Project Description:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached special exception application from Sarah Sriraman, on behalf of Dancing Goat Gardens, for the property located at 10541 Deschamps Ct, legally described as Lot 3, Deschamps Lane Subdivision #2, S28, T14 N, R20 W. The parcel is approximately 2.25 acres and is currently occupied by a warehouse, office building, and multiple accessory structures.

    The Missoula County Zoning Regulations classify micro-tier cannabis cultivation as Artisan Manufacturing, and all other tiers as High-Intensity Agriculture. The subject property is zoned Industrial Center Light (ICL), which designates High Intensity Agriculture as a use permitted by special exception. The applicant, Dancing Goat Gardens, holds a Tier 10 cannabis cultivation license with the Montana Cannabis Control Division. As required by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations, the applicants have submitted a special exception application for cannabis cultivation in an ICL district. The applicants also propose cannabis manufacturing at the same location. The Missoula County Zoning Regulations classify cannabis manufacturing as Agricultural Manufacturing and Production, a permitted used in the Industrial Center Light (ICL) district, and not subject to BOA review.

    Project Link:

    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at or 406-258-3869

  • T-Mobile Cell Tower Expansion

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    The Board of Adjustment approved the T-Mobile Cell Tower Expansion on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022.
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    Project Description:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception application from Jared White with Powder River Development, on behalf of T-Mobile, for the property located at 3240 Post Siding Road, legally described as S31, T13 N, R19 W, Water Tower in SW4 SW4, Parcel 5. The parcel is approximately 0.97 acres and is currently occupied by a Verizon Wireless cell tower facility.

    The applicant, T-Mobile, has submitted a special exception application to construct a new cell tower facility adjacent to an existing cell tower facility leased and operated by Verizon Wireless. The subject property is zoned Resource and Open Lands (RO), which designates Minor Utility Services as a use permitted by special exception. The existing cell tower facility was approved as a special exception under the old Public Lands and Institutions (C-P1) zoning designation in May of 2007. The proposal includes 176 square feet of subleased area from Verizon Wireless which will include ground support equipment. The proposed new antennas will attach to the existing water tank next to the existing antennas at a proposed height of 62 feet.

    Project Link:

    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at or 406-258-3869