4636 Edward Ave. Variance Request

This variance request was approved by the Board of Adjustments on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.

Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) received a variance request from Kymra and Matt Archibald, for the property located at 4636 Edward Avenue, legally described as Lot 2, Double R Homesites, Block 2, S26, T13 N, R20 W & DE 2201. The parcel is approximately 0.64 acres and is currently occupied by a single-family residence.

Section 7.4(F)(2) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations contains restrictions and limitations to development activity occurring within any Riparian Resource Buffer area. The Riparian Resource Buffer is an area that extends from the established Riparian Resource Protection Area, and whose purpose is to “keep development activity sufficiently distanced from riparian resources.” The buffer width required is based on the specific riparian resource, as outlined in Table 2 of section 7.4 of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations.

The applicants Kymra and Matt Archibald submitted Building and Land Use/ Zoning Compliance Permits to Missoula County for a remodel/addition project to their existing home located at 4636 Edward Avenue. The lower portion of the applicants’ lot closest to the Bitterroot River is in the Riparian Resource Protection Area, while the rest of their lot, including the proposed project area, is located within the 450ft Riparian Resource Buffer associated with the Bitterroot River. Section 7.4(F)(2)(e) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations limits the expansion of existing structures to five percent of the structure’s original footprint or 150 sq ft, whichever is greater. The proposed project constitutes an addition both greater than five percent of the original footprint and 150sq ft. Section 7.4(F)(2)(j) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations prohibits grading, excavation, and other site-altering activities in the Riparian Resource Buffer. The applicant’s construction plan would require site alterations for the proposed addition as well as possible septic-related upgrades, as determined by the Missoula City-County Health Department.

The applicant’s variance request highlights the special conditions associated with their home site. The home is on a lot in the Double R Homesites subdivision, which was originally platted in 1965. Since the platting of the subdivision, the area has been converted to a residential neighborhood that lacks the natural resources the Riparian Resource Buffer is intended to protect. Additionally, the applicants' project is limited in their inability to expand vertically due to the 30’ height restriction of the Target Range Overlay Zoning District.

Project Timeline:
The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link: http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment

Project Planner:
Project planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869.

Categories: Use Variance Requests
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