Former Lolo School Property Growth Policy Amendment

The developer has closed their public engagement period and expect to be submitting an application to the County this winter or spring, 2023, which will become its own featured project page on the Missoula County Voice homepage.

DeNova Homes and 406 Engineering is inviting the Lolo community to an open house on Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 4pm-8pm at the Lolo Community Center to gather input on the future of the former Lolo School property.

This Community Outreach Packet is intended to notify the citizens of Lolo of the proposed Amendment to the Lolo Regional Plan. Reviewing this packet will prepare you for an open forum of the Amendment to take place during the Community Feedback Open House. In this packet you will find information regarding land-use designations, and tools to help define the future development of the former Lolo School Property. Below is a list of Exhibits with a brief description of their intended purpose:

1. Vicinity Map

  • Shows the location of the property on a USGS topographical map of the Lolo area.

2. Definitions of Land-Use Designations

  • Descriptions of Land-Use types defined in the Lolo Regional Plan.

3. Map of Current Land-Use Designations

  • Reference for current land-use designations for the subject property and surrounding area.

4. Slopes Map

  • A shaded topographic contour map representing areas of feasible construction.
  • Slopes over 25% require additional engineering and geotechnical studies when proposed for construction and are generally labeled as No-Build Zones.

5. Land-Use Designation Example – 6 Dwelling Units per Acre (DU/AC)

  • Provides visuals for developments with the 6 DU/AC designation. Examples include representational 1-acre layouts, an aerial photograph, and a reference to an existing subdivision located in Lolo with the 6 DU/AC density. Example materials provided by DeNova Homes include architectural renditions of home facades, a picture of an example dwelling unit, and a dimensioned setback layout. Please feel free to visit the referenced Lolo subdivision for an in-person visual of a similar development.

6. Land-Use Designation Example – 16 DU/AC

  • Provides visuals for developments with the 16 DU/AC designation. Examples include representational 1-acre layouts for duplexes and townhomes, an aerial photograph, and a reference to an existing subdivision located in Lolo with the 16 DU/AC density. Example materials provided by DeNova Homes include architectural renditions of home facades and a 3-dimensional rendering of a 16 DU/AC subdivision. Please feel free to visit the referenced Lolo subdivision for an in-person visual of a similar development.

7. Building Preservation Aerial

  • Some existing buildings may be renovated rather than demolished. Please mark which buildings you would like to see preserved.

Please keep feedback restricted to Land-Use Designations only. This regards Residential Density, Open Space, and Commercial Use. Types of commercial activity and design specifics (i.e. road layout, building types, aesthetics, etc.) will be reviewed through a separate process at a later date. With your feedback, we will create several proposed layouts to be presented and reviewed at the Community Feedback Open House. Here, you will be able to comment on the layouts and discuss options with the engineers and developers. If you would like to provide feedback prior to the Open House, please contact Karl Treadwell with 406 Engineering. Contact information is provided at the end of this letter. Please have feedback submitted to be reviewed before 8am on Monday December 12. Representatives from 406 Engineering and DeNova Homes will be available for questions and public comment at the Lolo Community Center on Thursday December 15, 4pm-8pm.

If you have any questions regarding this proposal, this document, or the review process, please contact Karl Treadwell with 406 Engineering, or the Missoula County Community and Planning Office.

Project Contact:

Karl Treadwell


Project Packet:

Lolo Region Plan Amendment.pdf

Categories: Amendments
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