Holt Ranch Minor Subdivision

Missoula County commissioners approved this minor subdivision at their public meeting on Feb. 22, 2024.

Project description:

The Holt Ranch Minor Subdivision is a proposal by Ramona Holt, represented by Professional Consultants, Inc., to subdivide a ranch west of Lolo into two tracts, one that is 29.43 acres (Lot 22A) and one that is 42.39 acres (Lot 22B) proposed for agricultural and residential use. Lot 22A includes the home, barn and ranch buildings and the other tract, Lot22B, is largely vacant hayland. Ramona's son and his family live on the ranch now.

Find the full subdivision application and review materials at http://missoula.co/holtranchsubdivision

Project timeline:

The Missoula County commissioners will hear this item at their 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, public meeting. Join the meeting in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, or online via Microsoft Teams. Find the meeting agenda and link to join at http://missoula.co/bccmeetings. Please note the agenda will be published on Friday, Feb. 16.

Project lead:

Contact Tim Worley under the "Who's Listening" section on the right-hand side with any questions.

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