• Baack Minor Subdivision

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    UPDATE: On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.
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    UPDATE: On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.

    Project Description:

    Baack Subdivision is a proposed two (2) lot minor subdivision located approximately 1.25 miles south of Mullan Road off Council Way. The 5-acre parcel is owned by Matthew and Margaret Baack, who is represented by Montana Northwest Company. The parcel is currently developed with one (1) single family residence and two (2) detached outbuildings. The subdivision proposal includes two (2) lots for single family structures, including the existing residence. Development surrounding this subdivision is primarily residential and agricultural open space. Both lots are proposed to be served by City of Missoula sewer connections and are proposed to share the existing on-site well. Primary access to the subdivision is from proposed individual approaches off Council Way, a county maintained public roadway with a paved surface width of 26’. Conditions of approval include requiring residential fire sprinklers in all dwelling spaces and ensuring fire apparatus-friendly turnarounds, with both requirements being confirmed in the covenants. Other conditions include labeling all slopes over 25% and FEMA designated Floodplain as “no-build zones” on the face of the plat.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public meeting will take place at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 23 via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869

  • Novelli Nook Subdivision

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    UPDATE: On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.
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    UPDATE: On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.

    Project Description:

    Novelli Nook Subdivision is a proposal to divide a lot within the existing East Missoula Addition into three residential lots. The 6,171-square-foot property contains a single-family home with an attached garage. The proposed subdivision would create two equally sized lots of 1,748 square feet. A duplex is planned along the common lot boundary. The third lot, containing the single-family home, would be 2,675 square feet.

    The property is unzoned, but within the boundaries of the Missoula Area Land Use Element (2019). Live/Make Neighborhood is the recommended land use, with intensities ranging from three to 11 dwellings per acre for residential uses. Small-scale manufacturing, fabrication, commercial kitchens and artist studios are considered secondary uses.

    The City of Missoula has approved the property for additional water and sewer connections. It is within urbanized East Missoula, and bound by two public roads with an alley behind the existing home. The property has been developed since 1974 and has no recent history of agricultural use. It does not fall within the mapped floodplain, riparian area or known wildlife habitat.

    Project Link:

    Novelli Nook Subdivision Submittal Packet

    Project Timeline:

    The public meeting will take place at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 7, via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Tim Worley can be reached at tworley@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-4794