• 4086 Sherman Gulch Road Special Exception

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception request from Ron and Melanie Martin-Dent for property located at 4086 Sherman Gulch Road, legally described as Lot 8 in S01, T13N, R21W, P.M.M., and recorded in a deed at Book 689 Micro, Page 1018. The applicant proposes to place another dwelling on the subject property.

    SUMMARY: Section 2.3.D.3. of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations allows more than one principle use or structure if approved as a special exception. The applicant requests placing another dwelling near the existing dwelling on this 11-acre tract. The property is zoned AGRR5 (Agricultural, Rural Residential) which allows a residential density of one dwelling per five acres. This proposal will meet all other zoning requirements of this district, including building placement standards. None of the reviewing agencies had any comment on the proposal.

    The Board of Adjustment is authorized to grant Special Exception permits authorizing a use established as eligible in this district but which requires a special degree of consideration and control to ensure such uses are consistent and compatible with the overall community character. In order to approve a special exception, the board must determine:

    1. The proposed use or development will be compatible with and will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property;
    2. The proposed use preserves the character of the district, and the property is suitable for the use proposed.

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams by going to http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. Please feel free to contact Jennie Dixon with any questions at 406-258-4946 or by email at jdixon@missoulacounty.us.

  • 4636 Edward Ave. Variance Request

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    This variance request was approved by the Board of Adjustments on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.
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    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) received a variance request from Kymra and Matt Archibald, for the property located at 4636 Edward Avenue, legally described as Lot 2, Double R Homesites, Block 2, S26, T13 N, R20 W & DE 2201. The parcel is approximately 0.64 acres and is currently occupied by a single-family residence.

    Section 7.4(F)(2) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations contains restrictions and limitations to development activity occurring within any Riparian Resource Buffer area. The Riparian Resource Buffer is an area that extends from the established Riparian Resource Protection Area, and whose purpose is to “keep development activity sufficiently distanced from riparian resources.” The buffer width required is based on the specific riparian resource, as outlined in Table 2 of section 7.4 of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations.

    The applicants Kymra and Matt Archibald submitted Building and Land Use/ Zoning Compliance Permits to Missoula County for a remodel/addition project to their existing home located at 4636 Edward Avenue. The lower portion of the applicants’ lot closest to the Bitterroot River is in the Riparian Resource Protection Area, while the rest of their lot, including the proposed project area, is located within the 450ft Riparian Resource Buffer associated with the Bitterroot River. Section 7.4(F)(2)(e) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations limits the expansion of existing structures to five percent of the structure’s original footprint or 150 sq ft, whichever is greater. The proposed project constitutes an addition both greater than five percent of the original footprint and 150sq ft. Section 7.4(F)(2)(j) of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations prohibits grading, excavation, and other site-altering activities in the Riparian Resource Buffer. The applicant’s construction plan would require site alterations for the proposed addition as well as possible septic-related upgrades, as determined by the Missoula City-County Health Department.

    The applicant’s variance request highlights the special conditions associated with their home site. The home is on a lot in the Double R Homesites subdivision, which was originally platted in 1965. Since the platting of the subdivision, the area has been converted to a residential neighborhood that lacks the natural resources the Riparian Resource Buffer is intended to protect. Additionally, the applicants' project is limited in their inability to expand vertically due to the 30’ height restriction of the Target Range Overlay Zoning District.

    Project Timeline:
    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link: http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment

    Project Planner:
    Project planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869.

  • Former Lolo School Property Growth Policy Amendment

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    The developer has closed their public engagement period and expect to be submitting an application to the County this winter or spring, 2023, which will become its own featured project page on the Missoula County Voice homepage.
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    DeNova Homes and 406 Engineering is inviting the Lolo community to an open house on Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 4pm-8pm at the Lolo Community Center to gather input on the future of the former Lolo School property.

    This Community Outreach Packet is intended to notify the citizens of Lolo of the proposed Amendment to the Lolo Regional Plan. Reviewing this packet will prepare you for an open forum of the Amendment to take place during the Community Feedback Open House. In this packet you will find information regarding land-use designations, and tools to help define the future development of the former Lolo School Property. Below is a list of Exhibits with a brief description of their intended purpose:

    1. Vicinity Map

    • Shows the location of the property on a USGS topographical map of the Lolo area.

    2. Definitions of Land-Use Designations

    • Descriptions of Land-Use types defined in the Lolo Regional Plan.

    3. Map of Current Land-Use Designations

    • Reference for current land-use designations for the subject property and surrounding area.

    4. Slopes Map

    • A shaded topographic contour map representing areas of feasible construction.
    • Slopes over 25% require additional engineering and geotechnical studies when proposed for construction and are generally labeled as No-Build Zones.

    5. Land-Use Designation Example – 6 Dwelling Units per Acre (DU/AC)

    • Provides visuals for developments with the 6 DU/AC designation. Examples include representational 1-acre layouts, an aerial photograph, and a reference to an existing subdivision located in Lolo with the 6 DU/AC density. Example materials provided by DeNova Homes include architectural renditions of home facades, a picture of an example dwelling unit, and a dimensioned setback layout. Please feel free to visit the referenced Lolo subdivision for an in-person visual of a similar development.

    6. Land-Use Designation Example – 16 DU/AC

    • Provides visuals for developments with the 16 DU/AC designation. Examples include representational 1-acre layouts for duplexes and townhomes, an aerial photograph, and a reference to an existing subdivision located in Lolo with the 16 DU/AC density. Example materials provided by DeNova Homes include architectural renditions of home facades and a 3-dimensional rendering of a 16 DU/AC subdivision. Please feel free to visit the referenced Lolo subdivision for an in-person visual of a similar development.

    7. Building Preservation Aerial

    • Some existing buildings may be renovated rather than demolished. Please mark which buildings you would like to see preserved.

    Please keep feedback restricted to Land-Use Designations only. This regards Residential Density, Open Space, and Commercial Use. Types of commercial activity and design specifics (i.e. road layout, building types, aesthetics, etc.) will be reviewed through a separate process at a later date. With your feedback, we will create several proposed layouts to be presented and reviewed at the Community Feedback Open House. Here, you will be able to comment on the layouts and discuss options with the engineers and developers. If you would like to provide feedback prior to the Open House, please contact Karl Treadwell with 406 Engineering. Contact information is provided at the end of this letter. Please have feedback submitted to be reviewed before 8am on Monday December 12. Representatives from 406 Engineering and DeNova Homes will be available for questions and public comment at the Lolo Community Center on Thursday December 15, 4pm-8pm.

    If you have any questions regarding this proposal, this document, or the review process, please contact Karl Treadwell with 406 Engineering, or the Missoula County Community and Planning Office.

    Project Contact:

    Karl Treadwell



    Project Packet:

    Lolo Region Plan Amendment.pdf

  • Peterbilt Sign Variance

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    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment meeting.

    This project was approved at the Jan. 18, 2023, Board of Adjustment hearing.

    *During the December 21, 2022, Board of Adjustment hearing, the applicant informed the county that the proposed sign package had been modified and one of the sign types, S2, increased in size. This resulted in a change to the variance request for the total cumulative sign area, as shown in bold below. The previous cumulative sign area was 643.3 sq ft. The county is re-noticing adjacent property owners to ensure the correct information is reflected in the notice. Any previously submitted comment will still be included in the staff report. A continuation of the December hearing is scheduled for January 18, 2023. Please see below for more information. *

    Project Background:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability received a variance application from Shauna Gappmayer of YESCO LLC, on behalf of Peterbilt, for the property located at 4867 Technology Ct., legally described as Missoula Development Park- Ph 5C L01-6, Lot A. The parcel is approximately 10.68 acres and is currently under construction.

    The subject parcel is within the Missoula Development Park 6.08 Legacy District. Peterbilt is requesting a variance from sign requirements set forth in this zoning district. Specifically, Peterbilt is requesting a variance from the following:

    • Section E.(3)(b)(i) allows for 1 sq ft of sign area per 100 sq ft of business floor area up to a maximum of 200 sq ft
      • Peterbilt is proposing 754.90 sq ft of cumulative sign area
    • Section E.(3)(b)(vi) allows a business open at night one pole sign with a maximum height of 24’ above the road and 48 sq ft in siz
      • As a business operating at night, Peterbilt is proposing one pole sign with a height of 40’ above the road and 177.6 sq ft in size
    • Section E.(3)(b)(vi) allows for two wall surface signs not to exceed 10% of the wall areas.
      • Peterbilt is proposing 5 wall surface signs, all less than 10% of the wall area

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, January 18 , 2023. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link: http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment

    Project Planner:

    Project planner Emily Andrea can be reached at eandrea@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-4652.

  • Dancing Goat Gardens Special Exception

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    The Board of Adjustment approved the Dancing Goat Gardens Special Exception on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022.
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    Project Description:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached special exception application from Sarah Sriraman, on behalf of Dancing Goat Gardens, for the property located at 10541 Deschamps Ct, legally described as Lot 3, Deschamps Lane Subdivision #2, S28, T14 N, R20 W. The parcel is approximately 2.25 acres and is currently occupied by a warehouse, office building, and multiple accessory structures.

    The Missoula County Zoning Regulations classify micro-tier cannabis cultivation as Artisan Manufacturing, and all other tiers as High-Intensity Agriculture. The subject property is zoned Industrial Center Light (ICL), which designates High Intensity Agriculture as a use permitted by special exception. The applicant, Dancing Goat Gardens, holds a Tier 10 cannabis cultivation license with the Montana Cannabis Control Division. As required by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations, the applicants have submitted a special exception application for cannabis cultivation in an ICL district. The applicants also propose cannabis manufacturing at the same location. The Missoula County Zoning Regulations classify cannabis manufacturing as Agricultural Manufacturing and Production, a permitted used in the Industrial Center Light (ICL) district, and not subject to BOA review.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link: http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869

  • Stelling Estates Two-Lot Subdivision

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    Missoula County commissioners approved the Stelling Estates Two- Lot Subdivision at their public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3.

    Project Description:

    Stelling Estates is a 2-lot minor subdivision of an existing residential property located at 18925 Appaloosa Lane in the Sorrel Spring subdivision in Frenchtown. Stephen and Keni Stelling are seeking to subdivide Lot 49, a 10-acre lot, into two residential lots approximately 5-acres in size. The proposed subdivision would create one additional lot for a single dwelling to be served by an individual septic system and connect to the Sorrel Springs Public Water Supply. The Stellings, represented by Missoula Engineering, are requesting to vary from the requirement for an 18’ gravel drive and instead construct a 16’ wide gravel drive.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The Board of County Commissioners public meeting on this subdivision will be Thursday, Nov. 3, 2:00 p.m., via Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway, Find agendas and information about how to join meeting via Teams in the Commissioners’ Meeting Portal. Comments will be accepted on this project until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project planner Jennie Dixon can be reached at jdixon@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-4946.

  • T-Mobile Cell Tower Expansion

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    The Board of Adjustment approved the T-Mobile Cell Tower Expansion on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022.
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    Project Description:

    Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a special exception application from Jared White with Powder River Development, on behalf of T-Mobile, for the property located at 3240 Post Siding Road, legally described as S31, T13 N, R19 W, Water Tower in SW4 SW4, Parcel 5. The parcel is approximately 0.97 acres and is currently occupied by a Verizon Wireless cell tower facility. http://apps.missoulacounty.us/go/t-mobile

    The applicant, T-Mobile, has submitted a special exception application to construct a new cell tower facility adjacent to an existing cell tower facility leased and operated by Verizon Wireless. The subject property is zoned Resource and Open Lands (RO), which designates Minor Utility Services as a use permitted by special exception. The existing cell tower facility was approved as a special exception under the old Public Lands and Institutions (C-P1) zoning designation in May of 2007. The proposal includes 176 square feet of subleased area from Verizon Wireless which will include ground support equipment. The proposed new antennas will attach to the existing water tank next to the existing antennas at a proposed height of 62 feet.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 427 662 811#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link: http://missoula.co/boardofadjustment.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869

  • Country Crest No. 3 Lot 17 Subdivision

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    The Board of County Commissioners approved this subdivision at their Thursday, July 21, 2022, public meeting.

    Project Description:

    Country Crest No. 3 Lot 17 is a proposed two (2) lot minor subdivision located approximately 0.38 miles from Mullan Road. The 1.17-acre parcel is owned by Aisling Properties, who is represented by WGM Group. The parcel is currently developed with one (1) single family residence. The subdivision proposal includes two (2) lots for single family structures, including the existing residence. Development surrounding this subdivision is primarily residential. In regard to sanitation and water, all lots are proposed to be served by on-site wells and City of Missoula contract sewer. Primary access to the proposed subdivision is proposed as individual approaches off Buckhorn Lane, a public county-maintained roadway.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public meeting will take place at 3 p.m. Thursday, July 21, via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869

  • Scott Acres Minor Subdivision

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    The Board of County Commissioners approved this subdivision at their Thursday, July 21, 2022, public meeting.

    Project Description:

    Scott Acres is a proposed two-lot minor residential subdivision in Lolo, Montana. The proposed subdivision is located at 7000 Mormon Creek Road on portions of Lot 6 of the Van Ostrand Subdivision and consists of 1.95 acres. The subdivision will include two single-family residential dwellings, served by well water and septic systems. The property owners are Dane and Shannon Scott, represented by Kody Swartz, PE, with Woith Engineering. The proposed subdivision is accessed from Missoula, Lolo, and Florence by U.S. Highway 93, a major regional transportation corridor. Mormon Creek Road provides a local connection from U.S. Highway 93 to the subdivision property. Mormon Creek Road is a two-lane county road with no shoulders, curbs, or sidewalks, and a 22-foot asphalt surface width. A private driveway, within the former Opal Drive right-of-way, provides access to adjacent parcels to the north. The driveway has a gravel surface with a width of approximately 12.5 feet. This access driveway will remain adjacent to the proposed subdivision and is depicted on the preliminary plat, together with a new 16’ easement along the northern property boundary to formalize access to Parcel C and Parcel D of COS 704. The proposed subdivision does not contain any non-motorized facilities. Offsite non-motorized facilities include connections to the hiking trails in Travelers’ Rest State Park, approximately 1,000 feet to the east, and a connection to the Bitterroot Trail between Missoula and Hamilton, approximately 2,500 feet to the east. The subject parcel, along with all the adjacent parcels, is Unzoned. The applicable Growth Policy for the subject property is the 2002 Lolo Regional Plan, which recommends a land use of Residential with a density of one dwelling unit per acre. According to the 2002 Plan, one dwelling unit per acre is considered a base density for many areas outside of the Wastewater Sewer Study Area. This land use type is intended to reflect existing patterns and function as a transition to less dense areas. One-acre parcels often have irregular spacing between buildings and road frontages. The proposed subdivision will contain two single-family residences, with a gross density of 1.02 dwellings per acre. The proposed density is within that prescribed in the 2002 Lolo Regional Plan, to create a transition from the higher densities to the northeast and south, to the rural residential areas and open space to the west.

    Project Link:

    Applicant's Packet

    Project Timeline:

    The public meeting will take place at 2 p.m., Thursday, July 21, 2022, via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Matt Heimel can be reached at mheimel@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3799

  • Mackintosh Acres

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    UPDATE: On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.
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    UPDATE: On Thursday, June 23, 2022, the Missoula County commissioners approved the subdivision. This is now closed for comment.

    Project Description:

    Mackintosh Acres is a proposed four (4) lot minor subdivision located approximately 3.5 miles south of the town of Lolo on the west side of Highway 93 S. The 5-acre parcel is owned by Eric and Becky Nicoson, who is represented by Professional Consultants Inc. The parcel is currently developed with one (1) single family residence and two (2) detached sheds. The subdivision proposal includes four (4) lots for single family structures, including the existing residence. Development surrounding this subdivision is primarily residential and agricultural open space. In regard to sanitation and water, all lots are proposed to be served by on-site wells and septic systems. Primary access to the proposed subdivision is proposed as individual approaches off Lamar Trail, a privately maintained roadway with a paved surface width of 24’. Conditions of approval include requiring residential fire sprinklers in all dwelling spaces and ensuring fire apparatus friendly turnarounds, with both requirements being confirmed in the covenants. Other conditions include amendments to the proposed covenants to clarify Building Permit requirements as well as a requirement to construct the Lot 4 driveway before final plat approval.

    Project Link:


    Project Timeline:

    The public meeting will take place at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 23 via Microsoft Teams and in the Sophie Moiese Room, Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway. Find agendas and information on how to join meetings via Teams in the commissioners' meeting portal. Comments will be accepted until the end of the meeting when the commissioners make a decision.

    Project Planner:

    Project Planner Nick Zanetos can be reached at nzanetos@missoulacounty.us or 406-258-3869