Category Use Variance Requests Show all
Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision
Share Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision on Facebook Share Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision on Twitter Share Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision on Linkedin Email Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision linkA request to vary from Missoula County Subdivision Regulations Section
Project Description:
Project Overview
Missoula County is considering a proposal to remove an agricultural restriction from a property near Placid Lake, allowing for residential development. This project, known as the Placid View Lot Minor Subdivision, also includes a request for a variance from the county's subdivision regulations regarding through lots. The Missoula County commissioners will review and make a decision on this request, with public input encouraged from nearby property owners.
What's being proposed?
Placid View is a one-lot minor subdivision near Placid Lake. The property is currently encumbered by a covenant that was placed on the property as part of a subdivision exemption in 2001. The covenant requires the property to be used exclusively for agricultural purposes. The applicants, David and Karen Castle, would like to remove the covenant so the property can be developed for a residential use.
Removing the covenant requires the property to go through local subdivision review and receive approval from the Missoula County commissioners. If approved, the agricultural restrictive covenant will be removed from the property, allowing for uses other than agriculture. No additional lots will be created through this subdivision request—this proposal is simply about making the land eligible for home construction while still following all relevant zoning, health and building regulations. Any future development will still be required to comply with those regulations.
The Castles are also applying for a variance from Section of the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations to allow the proposed subdivision lot to vary from through-lot restrictions. Their property is currently bordered by two existing roads—North Placid Lake Road (to the south) and Placid Creek Road (to the north). This is considered a "through lot" (lots with roads on both sides) in the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations, which are prohibited except when they are essential to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation, as determined by the county commissioners as a variance request.
Project Timeline:
Missoula County wants to hear from adjacent property owners before making a decision. If you have questions or concerns about this proposal, now is the time to voice them.
- Submit Comments: Residents can share their thoughts and questions by commenting on this post or contacting the project lead between now and the public hearing.
Attend the Public Hearing: The Missoula County commissioners will discuss and vote on this proposal 2 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway.
Participants may attend in person at this location or may attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, Conference ID 467 457 758#. To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:
Project Staff Lead: Patrick Swart
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Placid Lake Observation Deck Shoreline Setback Variance
Share Placid Lake Observation Deck Shoreline Setback Variance on Facebook Share Placid Lake Observation Deck Shoreline Setback Variance on Twitter Share Placid Lake Observation Deck Shoreline Setback Variance on Linkedin Email Placid Lake Observation Deck Shoreline Setback Variance linkThe commissioners approved this request at their public meeting on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.Project description:
This proposal is to construct an elevated observation deck platform approximately 25 feet from the high water mark of the shore of placid lake at 8523 North Placid Lake Road. The zoning district the property is in requires a 50’ setback from the high water mark. Construction of any structure in the setback specified by zoning requires a variance.
Find the full subdivision application and review materials linked here.
Project timeline:
The planning and zoning commission and Missoula County commissioners will hear this item at the 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22 public meeting. Join the meeting in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex or online via Microsoft Teams. Find the meeting agenda and link to join at Please note the agenda will be published on Friday, Aug. 16.
Project lead:
Contact Zach Jones under the “Who’s Listening” section of the right-hand side with any questions.
Kemosabe Subdivision Road Access Variance
Share Kemosabe Subdivision Road Access Variance on Facebook Share Kemosabe Subdivision Road Access Variance on Twitter Share Kemosabe Subdivision Road Access Variance on Linkedin Email Kemosabe Subdivision Road Access Variance linkThe Board of Adjustments approved this access variance at their meeting on July 17, 2024.Project Description:
Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a variance request from Woith Engineering, who seeks to maintain and improve a driveway access to US Highway 93 S, located at 5115 Highway 93 S and is legally described as S02, T12 N, R20 W, TRACT 5 OF WORNATH ORCHARD TRACTS 12A1 & 12A2. The 3-acre parcel is zoned as CC (Commercial Center) and is currently occupied by a mechanic shop. The proposed Kemosabe Subdivision on this and neighboring parcels to the north is intended to allow for the development of commercial condominiums. Section 6.2.B.3.b.i. of the Missoula County Zoning Regulations requires access to a corner lot to be from the street with the lower roadway classification, which in this case would be Blue Mountain Road, and not US 93 S.
Project Timeline:
The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustments is scheduled for Wednesday July 17th , 2024, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams.
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Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 248 575 969 765
Passcode: jSsFBCDownload Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 406-272-4824,,134501809# United States, Billings
Phone Conference ID: 134 501 809#
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Written comments received by Wednesday, July 10, 2024 will be included in the staff report to the Board of Adjustment. Comments received after that date will be presented to the board during the public hearing.
Project Planner:
Project planner Zach Jones can be reached at (External link) or 406-258-4652
7012 Lindbergh Lake Road variance request to Missoula County shoreline regulation setback requirements
Share 7012 Lindbergh Lake Road variance request to Missoula County shoreline regulation setback requirements on Facebook Share 7012 Lindbergh Lake Road variance request to Missoula County shoreline regulation setback requirements on Twitter Share 7012 Lindbergh Lake Road variance request to Missoula County shoreline regulation setback requirements on Linkedin Email 7012 Lindbergh Lake Road variance request to Missoula County shoreline regulation setback requirements linkMissoula County commissioners approved the Lindbergh Lake Road variance to the shoreline regulations at their public meeting on July 11, 2024.Project Description:
The Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a request from David McCrane with McCrane Family LLC for a variance from the Missoula County Shoreline Regulations. The applicant requests to construct a new floating dock within the side property setback. Section F of the regulations requires new shoreline facilities to be in the middle of the property ownership or at least 20 feet from each side property line. The subject property, located at 7012 Lindbergh Lake Road, has approximately 24 feet of frontage on Lindbergh Lake. The applicant is proposing to build the dock in the approximate center of the lake frontage, approximately 10.5 feet from either side property line.
The Project Impact Assessment and other documents will be posted for public review at least 15 days prior to the Planning
Board meeting. Please check back on this page for the Project Impact Assessment or contact staff with any questions.
The purpose of the Shoreline Regulations is to conserve, protect and restore natural lakes, ponds, wildlife, fisheries, riparian habitat, wetlands and shorelines because of their high scenic and resource values; the value of lakeshore property; the water quality of these lakes; and the scenic and recreational value of these lakes for the state’s residents and visitors.
These regulations govern alteration of the character of any lake, lakebed or lakeshore, having a water surface area of at least twenty (20) acres and the area within the Shoreline Protection Zone, within the boundaries of Missoula County, Montana, excluding the portion of Missoula County which lies within the jurisdictional area of the City of Missoula, Montana. These regulations supplement all other regulations required by other governmental entities or regulatory agencies having jurisdictional responsibilities over a lake, lakebed, lakeshore, pond or wetland. These regulations govern the private improvements installed whether on private land or on public land leased to a private individual that alter the lake, lakebed or lakeshore.
Structures set back from side property lines prevents overcrowding and maintains the aesthetic and riparian resource values of the shoreline. Properties which lack adequate frontage to provide side lot line setbacks may not be suitable for shoreline improvements. Common facilities, constructed and shared by two or more property owners, reduce the number of facilities on the lake reducing potential impacts. Where such a situation exists, a reduction in setback requirements encourages the use of common structures. Stream and spring inlets and outlets on shorelines are valuable aquatic and aesthetic resources. They provide spawning and rearing habitat for numerous fish species, as well as a variety of food organisms. Structures set back from inlets and outlets protects fish habitat.
Missoula City-County Consolidated Planning Board Hearing: 6 p.m. Thursday, June 4, in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, 200 W. Broadway. You can also join on Microsoft Teams.
Missoula County Commissioners' Public Meeting: 2 p.m. Thursday, July 11, in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, 200 W. Broadway. You can also join on Microsoft Teams.
Project packet:
Project staff:
Missoula County Floodplain Administrator Matt Heimel,
Hexion Setback Variance
Share Hexion Setback Variance on Facebook Share Hexion Setback Variance on Twitter Share Hexion Setback Variance on Linkedin Email Hexion Setback Variance linkThe Board of Adjustment approve the variance request at a public meeting on April 17, 2024.Project Description:
Missoula County Department of Planning, Development & Sustainability (PDS) has received a variance request from Hexion, who seeks placement of a concrete equipment pad and air core reactor equipment in the 25 foot setback of the southern property boundary, located at 3670 Grant Creek Road and is legally described as S08, T13 N, R19 W, ACRES 6.48, TRACT IN SW4NE4. The 6.84-acre parcel is zoned as ICH (Industrial Center – Heavy
Application: Combined Submittal.pdf
Project Timeline:
The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for Wednesday April 17, 2024, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in-person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 248 575 969 765
Passcode: jSsFBCDownload Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 406-272-4824,,134501809# United States, Billings
Phone Conference ID: 134 501 809#
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Written comments received by Wednesday, April 10, 2024 will be included in the staff report to the Board of Adjustment. Comments received after that date will be presented to the board during the public hearing.
Project Planner:
Project planner Zach Jones can be reached at (External link) or 406-258-4652
Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34
Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Facebook Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Twitter Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Linkedin Email Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 linkMissoula County commissioners approved this variance request at their public meeting on April 4, 2024.VARIANCE TO NUMBER OF DWELLINGS PER PARCEL - CITIZEN ZONING DISTRICT #34
10380 and 10390 Highway 10 E.Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a variance request from Terzo Farm and Land Trust, L.L.C., for the property located at 10380 and 10390 Highway 10 E, legally described in a Warranty Deed at Book 1086, Page 196, in S27, T13N, R18W, P.M.M. The 27.8-acre parcel is zoned as Citizen Zoning District ZD#34 which allows residential development at a density of two dwellings per acre.The property contains two dwellings. Future plans include subdividing the tract into ten lots. You can view the proposed variance application along with a preliminary plan for subdivision here.
Terzo Farm and Land Trust, L.L.C., proposes to place five additional homes, for a total of seven, in proximity to the two existing homes, on proposed Lot 10 (approx. 24 acres). The variance request is intended to allow multiple dwellings on a single tract, in compliance with the allowed density of ZD #34. A large portion of proposed Lot 10 contains slopes over 25% (shown in brown). All homes will be placed outside of these steep-sloped areas.
7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance
Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Facebook Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Twitter Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Linkedin Email 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance linkThe Board of Adjustments approved this zoning variance at their meeting on Feb. 21, 2024.Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached zoning variance application from Michael Regan for the property located at 7332 Highway 200, legally described as S17, T13 N, R18 W, IN S2 SE4. The parcel is approximately 1.9 acres and is currently vacant.
SUMMARY: The subject property at 7332 Highway 200 E is designated as Neighborhood Center (NC) by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations. In NC, the required build-to-zone (BTZ), or the area of a lot where a certain percentage of the front building façade must be located, is 70% of the width of the lot. A variance to the BTZ required by the zoning code requires approval from the Missoula County Board of Adjustment.
The applicant proposes a building with specific dimensions that will become a Dollar General store. The applicant states that the width of the lot and the width of the pre-engineered building make meeting the required BTZ unfeasible. The application states that a variance to the BTZ would reduce the additional area devoted to dead building space that could otherwise be used for landscaping, parking, and other features. The variance of the BTZ for the property is not anticipated to negatively impact the surrounding area.
All variance requests must go before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment for approval. The Board asks for input from your agency on such matters. Please review the request and note any comments or concerns you have. If you do not have concerns about the special exception request, please respond to let the Board know you are not concerned with the proposed changes. Please send all comments to
Comments are requested by Monday, February 12, 2024. Thank you in advance for your consideration; your comments are much appreciated. Comments received up to that date will be included with the staff report and public hearing packet. Any comments received after that date will be brought to the public hearing.
Public Hearing Details:
The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:
The application and attachments can also be viewed here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information: 406-258-3507 or
Western Materials, LLC Use Variance in Citizen Zoning District #40
Share Western Materials, LLC Use Variance in Citizen Zoning District #40 on Facebook Share Western Materials, LLC Use Variance in Citizen Zoning District #40 on Twitter Share Western Materials, LLC Use Variance in Citizen Zoning District #40 on Linkedin Email Western Materials, LLC Use Variance in Citizen Zoning District #40 linkPlease view this project on the homepage.This project has been given its own project page. Visit the Missoula County Voice homepage to view it, or click here.
Please leave all further comments on the other project page.
7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request
Share 7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request on Facebook Share 7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request on Twitter Share 7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request on Linkedin Email 7680 Thornton Drive Variance and Special Exception Request linkThe Board of Adjustments approved this variance and special exception request at their meeting on Oct. 18.Project description:
An existing cannabis cultivation and processing facility is seeking to expand operations with a new greenhouse, and an exception from landscaping requirements on the steep hillside on the north side of the property.
Project documents: Special exception application, zoning variance application, revised site plan
Project timeline: The Missoula County Zoning Board of Adjustments will take this up at their 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, meeting. This meeting will take place in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 W. Broadway, as well as via Microsoft Teams.
Project lead: Zach Jones, planner
505 Highton Street Parking Variance
Share 505 Highton Street Parking Variance on Facebook Share 505 Highton Street Parking Variance on Twitter Share 505 Highton Street Parking Variance on Linkedin Email 505 Highton Street Parking Variance linkThe Missoula County Zoning Board of Adjustments approved the 5050 Highton Street Parking Variance at their meeting on July 19, 2023.1GOD, LLC are seeking a variance to the zoning requirement where parking must be located in the rear of the property at 505 Highton Street. The request is to have parking in the front of the building, which is a gas station/convenience store and laundromat. This is only a variance request for parking, not the permitting for the new building itself.
This item will go before the Zoning Board of Adjustments at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse annex, 200 W. Broadway. You can also attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. Find the meeting link and agenda to join
Applicant's packet: 505 Highton Variance
Project lead: Zach Jones, planner