Category Zoning and Rezoning Show all
9772 Waldo Road Zoning Amendment
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Missoula County is considering a zoning amendment for 9772 Waldo Road, a 9.5-acre property located in the Wye community area, approximately one mile north of Interstate 90 at the intersection of Waldo Road and Highway 93. The property is currently zoned as a Commercial Center, with a special condition in place to mitigate flood hazards. The property owner has requested an amendment to either remove this condition or replace it with revised language. This amendment does not affect the property’s commercial zoning designation, or the permitted uses allowed under that designation.
The amendment does not change the property’s commercial zoning designation, or the types of activities allowed on the site. The focus of the amendment is on modifying the special condition related to flood mitigation and stormwater management. The proposal aligns with Missoula County’s Growth Policy, which designates the property for commercial use. The county’s review process will ensure that any changes remain consistent with this policy and address relevant community concerns.
Project Timeline:
Planning Board: January 21, 2025, 6PM
Board of County Commissioners: March 13, 2025, 2PMProject Lead:
Contact Matt Heimel under the “Who’s Listening” section of the right-hand side with any questions or to submit public comment.
Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34
Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Facebook Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Twitter Share Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 on Linkedin Email Terzo Farm Variance Request Zoning District #34 linkMissoula County commissioners approved this variance request at their public meeting on April 4, 2024.VARIANCE TO NUMBER OF DWELLINGS PER PARCEL - CITIZEN ZONING DISTRICT #34
10380 and 10390 Highway 10 E.Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received a variance request from Terzo Farm and Land Trust, L.L.C., for the property located at 10380 and 10390 Highway 10 E, legally described in a Warranty Deed at Book 1086, Page 196, in S27, T13N, R18W, P.M.M. The 27.8-acre parcel is zoned as Citizen Zoning District ZD#34 which allows residential development at a density of two dwellings per acre.The property contains two dwellings. Future plans include subdividing the tract into ten lots. You can view the proposed variance application along with a preliminary plan for subdivision here.
Terzo Farm and Land Trust, L.L.C., proposes to place five additional homes, for a total of seven, in proximity to the two existing homes, on proposed Lot 10 (approx. 24 acres). The variance request is intended to allow multiple dwellings on a single tract, in compliance with the allowed density of ZD #34. A large portion of proposed Lot 10 contains slopes over 25% (shown in brown). All homes will be placed outside of these steep-sloped areas.
7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance
Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Facebook Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Twitter Share 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance on Linkedin Email 7332 HWY 200 E Zoning Variance linkThe Board of Adjustments approved this zoning variance at their meeting on Feb. 21, 2024.Missoula County Department of Planning, Development, and Sustainability (PDS) has received the attached zoning variance application from Michael Regan for the property located at 7332 Highway 200, legally described as S17, T13 N, R18 W, IN S2 SE4. The parcel is approximately 1.9 acres and is currently vacant.
SUMMARY: The subject property at 7332 Highway 200 E is designated as Neighborhood Center (NC) by the Missoula County Zoning Regulations. In NC, the required build-to-zone (BTZ), or the area of a lot where a certain percentage of the front building façade must be located, is 70% of the width of the lot. A variance to the BTZ required by the zoning code requires approval from the Missoula County Board of Adjustment.
The applicant proposes a building with specific dimensions that will become a Dollar General store. The applicant states that the width of the lot and the width of the pre-engineered building make meeting the required BTZ unfeasible. The application states that a variance to the BTZ would reduce the additional area devoted to dead building space that could otherwise be used for landscaping, parking, and other features. The variance of the BTZ for the property is not anticipated to negatively impact the surrounding area.
All variance requests must go before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment for approval. The Board asks for input from your agency on such matters. Please review the request and note any comments or concerns you have. If you do not have concerns about the special exception request, please respond to let the Board know you are not concerned with the proposed changes. Please send all comments to
Comments are requested by Monday, February 12, 2024. Thank you in advance for your consideration; your comments are much appreciated. Comments received up to that date will be included with the staff report and public hearing packet. Any comments received after that date will be brought to the public hearing.
Public Hearing Details:
The public hearing before the Missoula County Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, at 6:00 pm. Participants may attend the public hearing in person in the Sophie Moiese Room of the Missoula County Courthouse Annex, 200 West Broadway, Missoula, MT. Participants may also attend the meeting virtually over Microsoft Teams. To join the call on your phone, call 406-272-4824, To join the meeting on your electronic device, please use the following link:
The application and attachments can also be viewed here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information: 406-258-3507 or
Rezoning Request at 9399 Baron's Court
Share Rezoning Request at 9399 Baron's Court on Facebook Share Rezoning Request at 9399 Baron's Court on Twitter Share Rezoning Request at 9399 Baron's Court on Linkedin Email Rezoning Request at 9399 Baron's Court linkMissoula County commissioners approved this rezoning request at their public meeting on Feb. 22, 2024.Legal Description: Tract 72C, COS #2339, in Section 16, T14N, R20W, P.M.M., Missoula County, Montana
Project Description:
Donald and Vicki Rosetti are requesting to change the zoning of their property located at 9399 Baron’s Court, approximately one mile north of the Wye on the west side of Highway 93 North, south of Indreland Road.
The 11-acre tract is zoned as AGRR-5, a rural residential and agricultural zoning district that allows development of up to one dwelling per five acres. The Rosettis are requesting changing the zoning to a similar zoning designation AGRR-2 that allows development of up to one dwelling per two acres. Their property is surrounded by AGRR-2 zoning on all sides, and they would like to have the same zoning as their neighbors. This proposed AGRR-2 zoning is compatible with the Missoula County Growth Policy land use designation.
Project Link:
Project Timeline:
The Missoula Consolidated Planning Board conducted a public hearing on the following request on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the Missoula City Council Chambers, 140 W. Pine, Missoula MT.
The Planning Board agenda can be found on the City's Meeting Portal.
The Staff Report can be found here and is also attached to the agenda.The Missoula County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing and approved the resolution of intent on this item on Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Sophie Moiese Room of the County Courthouse, located at 200 West Broadway in Missoula. They will hear the final resolution at 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 22, in the same location. Find the meeting link and agenda to join at