Follow Up Survey
Over the last several months, residents and other stakeholders in West Riverside have provided feedback on their hopes and concerns for their community, particularly related to infrastructure via a*:
Listening survey completed by ~60 residents
Public “Community Conversation” event on infrastructure where Missoula County staff and community members shared information and conversation about current infrastructure plans, possibilities and community priorities.
The following questionnaire merges the data collected during this process and will be the basis for a recommended framework that addresses how West Riverside community members want to engage with Missoula County around future infrastructure conversations.
During this final phase, we are looking for community feedback to ensure the data collected to date, and the resulting framework represents the community’s hopes, desires and concerns relating to infrastructure.
*This project was initiated by Missoula County. Two community engagement consultants were contracted and have organized a Leadership Committee of 12 community members to spearhead the project.