Clearwater Meadows Ranch Residential Subdivision

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Missoula County commissioners approved this subdivision at their July 7, 2022, public meeting.

Missoula County commissioners approved this subdivision at their July 7, 2022, public meeting.

The Clearwater Meadows Ranch subdivision is a proposed 199-acre, 20-lot residential major subdivision in Missoula County, located off Highway 200 near the Blanchard Creek Road intersection, west of Clearwater Junction. There are currently multiple existing mobile homes on the property that will be moved prior to subdivision. Lots 1-11 will be accessed via a proposed internal road connecting Blanchard Creek to Camp Utmost. Lots 12-20 will be accessed via Blanchard Creek Road.

  • For this subdivision submittal, the applicant of this development requests one variance from the Missoula

Missoula County commissioners approved this subdivision at their July 7, 2022, public meeting.

The Clearwater Meadows Ranch subdivision is a proposed 199-acre, 20-lot residential major subdivision in Missoula County, located off Highway 200 near the Blanchard Creek Road intersection, west of Clearwater Junction. There are currently multiple existing mobile homes on the property that will be moved prior to subdivision. Lots 1-11 will be accessed via a proposed internal road connecting Blanchard Creek to Camp Utmost. Lots 12-20 will be accessed via Blanchard Creek Road.

  • For this subdivision submittal, the applicant of this development requests one variance from the Missoula County Subdivision Regulations in Section related to the requirement for non-motorized facilities along subdivision roadways. Non-motorized facilities include infrastructure such as sidewalks and pathways.
  • There are slopes over 25% throughout the property that have been deemed stable in a geotechnical report, and there will be proposed drainfields. Any buildings proposed on slopes over 25%, drainfield locations and home building sites will be addressed during the building and septic permitting processes.
  • This property is unzoned and located within the 2010 Seeley Lake Regional Plan, with a designation of “Very Low Density Rural Residential,” which must adhere to one dwelling unit per 10 acres. The units in this subdivision are proposed at one dwelling unit per 9.96 acres.

Aerial image of outline of Clearwater Meadows Ranch Subdivision

Missoula County commissioners approved this subdivision at their July 7, 2022, public meeting.

If you have any specific questions about this proposal, please don’t hesitate to ask. We will try to respond within five business days.